Chapter 8 ~Two Heaven Scrooolls!!~

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Yuki's POV

Now, how can I find two heaven scrolls at the same time?? Ugh. Wait a minute. Why did I even volunteer on doing this?!?!! Aaargh.... Well, that's me.

"Hmm. What if I ask for help?" I asked myself as I ran deeper into this creepy forest. "Nahh. What if they don't help me?" I asked once more and just released a long sigh. It's much better to try than to do nothing.... Right?

I ran and ran until I saw a group of Genins from uhh the Hidden Mist? Yeah. Hidden Mist. Now, how can I get their scroll? I'm not that strong and I don't want to put up a fight. Oh well! I'm just going to wait and attack when their guards are down.

"Hey! Get some woods over there, will ya'?! We'll get some food!!" The boy with dirty blonde hair said. Geez. He is acting like a boss. Well, maybe he is the boss!! "Yeah sure! But hey!! Catch the big fishes and not the bite-sized ones! Hahaha!!" The boy with dark black hair replied, laughing in the process. Err. Weird people.

"Oh shut up, you two! Let's go, Dararu!!" The girl with the same dirty blonde hair said to the boy named Dararu, or should I say, her brother or something. I mean, really!! They look so much alike!! Both of them have dirty blonde hair and light green eyes! That is so cool!! I wonder what I'll feel if I have a sibling. Hmmm.


I looked at the team and saw Dararu and this girl jump into the water, making a huge splash. I looked for the black-haired boy but I can't find him.

There it is!! I looked at the bag on the ground near their clothes and saw a heaven scroll!! Alright! I just need to be very quiet and get the scroll. No one's looking anyway and I better be fast so I don't get caught.

I was about to take a step forward when something cold and sharp touched my neck. Uh oh. I KNEW THAT THIS WAS GONNA' HAPPEN. HMP. I gulped and glanced at the boy who is holding the kunai knife. "Don't move or else you're dead." He whispered menacingly and I gulped once more, making him put the kunai knife much closer. Soon, it made a cut and it's deep enough to bleed.

I knew it. That's why I can't find him!! Ugh. He is good. "Umm. I don't want to put up a fight." I said and he chuckled. "Me too. So just give me your earth scroll because we kinda' need it. And it's so obvious that you need a heaven scroll since you wanted to secretly steal our scroll. Am I right?" He said with a smirk.

"Ugh. I don't want to lie so, yes. I am planning to steal your scroll but it was an utter failure, and about you and your team needing an earth scroll, to be honest, I don't have any earth scroll with me right now because my teammate has it." I said truthfully.

"Seriously? Where is your team?" He asked, still not removing the kunai knife from my neck. "They are now in the tower in the middle of this forest." I said and he still has a confused and curious face. "Then, why are you here?" He asked and I sighed, not wanting to tell a stranger everything I know, but he threatened me as he pretended to move the knife closer. KFINE -.-

"Answer me." He said and I just mentally rolled my eyes. Alright alright. Mr Bossy. "As I said before, I wanted to steal your heaven scroll, so that means we still don't have both scrolls, and a friend of ours still lacks the same scroll so, I volunteered to get it for them. To summarize it, I need two heaven scrolls and I will get those.... Alone." I explained as I got interested on my feet.

I felt him nod, but he still didn't remove the kunai knife. "Umm. Will you please put that away from me. It kinda'..... Hurts." I said and he slowly removed it, but he still eyed me. It's like a be-sure-that-you-told-me-the-truth-or-else-you-are-dead look.

One idea came to my mind and I unexpectedly sat on the ground. He looked at me in confusion. "Why are you sitting there??" He asked and I just lowered my head. "Can you please uhh help me?" I asked and he stared at me in disbelief, sitting down as well.

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