Chapter 28 ~Happy Ending!! Badum Tss!~

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Kabuto's POV

I disappeared and reappeared behind Yuki in a mere second and hit her pressure point, making her unconscious. I caught her before she can even hit the ground.

"You will be worth experimenting." I said with a grin and then.....

I walked towards our hideout.


Yuki's POV

I woke up on a kinda' hard bed and looked around just to see a dark empty small room. "Ugh. That Kabuto." I muttered as I clutched my head.

I slowly stood up and walked out of the room just to see an endless hallway. I groaned in frustration as I rubbed my face. The fudge!! Anyway, I started to roam around this mysterious place. I walked and walked and walked..... Where is the door?!!!

To my luck, I saw a door and grinned. I ran towards it and kinda' slammed it open..... Just to see another dark small empty room. I groaned once more and scanned the room. Then, something caught my eye. It's a person...... Lying down on a lone bed..... Me facing his back.... The Uchiha crest on his ba- SASUKE?!?!!

"SASUKE!!!!" I yelled happily as tears of joy poured down my face. I ran towards him and kinda' jumped on him. "Ugh." He groaned and I smiled sheepishly. It's my first time to see him sleeping. "Wakey wakey, sleepyhead!! Rise and shine!!" I exclaimed and hugged him while he is lying down.

He slowly sat up and looked at me. Then, his eyes slowly widened as I just smiled at him. "Ohayou guzaimasu! (Good morning) Sasuke!" I said happily and hugged him once more. He slowly and carefully pushed me like I am some kind of fragile vase, then, he didn't let go and just held my shoulders as he stared at me straight in the eyes. I just gave him a close-eyed smile. "Nice seeing you again! Sasuke!" I said cheerfully and he just stared at me.

"Yuki? Is that..... You?" He asked and I laughed as I hugged him tightly again. "Yep! It's the Yuki you hate! I am here again!! Just to piss you off more!" I said but then, I am still smiling even though Sasuke's shirt is already wet from my tears. Please.... Let me hug you one last time before I go.

"Yuki." Sasuke said as he hugged back slowly, but tightly..... And I gasped when he did. "Yuki, I'm sorry." He said as he buried his face on my shoulder. Soon, I felt it wet as well. The almighty Uchiha is crying?! And I am the reason?!!

I mentally panicked and cupped his face on my hands as I stared straightly at his beautiful black orbs. "Sasuke! Don't cry!! Come on! I don't want to see you crying!" I said as I shook him a little. He chuckled and hugged me again. "I can't believe that you still care for me after all those hurtful words I said to you." Sasuke said, muffled.

"Sasuke..... It's only words." I said as I smiled. "And besides, you don't mean it, do you? Ah nevermind! Even though you mean it or not, it doesn't matter anymore." I said and he looked down. "To be honest, what I said that night.... It was.... It was all a lie. I said that so I could get rid of my feelings for you but..... As you can see, I couldn't.... I couldn't get rid of these stupid feelings. I already broke my bond with the others, but why couldn't I broke my bond with you? Why couldn't I?" He asked and I just smiled at what he said.

"You wanted to break your bond with me? Are you sure? Because no matter how much you try, I will always be there for you and piss you off more." I said with a warm smile as I took his necklace from my pocket.

"See this? I felt very sad when you threw it at me..... But I kept it because I knew that one day, I will be seeing you again..... And this is yours, right? I must not get things which are not mine. It's called stealing and I don't want to be a stealer so I am going to return this back to you." I said as I put it around his neck.

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