Chapter 9 ~Yuki Vs. Gaara! Preliminaries!!~

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Yuki's POV

The proctor for last part of the Chunin Exams said that there will be preliminaries, since many passed the second part of the Exams. He also said that anyone who received several injuries and anyone who can't do it anymore may withdraw.

The glasses guy, or should I say Kabuto, withdrew and the proctor asked if anyone else will follow. Naruto and Sakura kept on forcing me though.

You see, I told them the whole story because they kept on asking me what happened and I am not the kind of person who keep secrets.

"Yuki! Hurry up and raise your hand!! You're in no condition!" Sakura said while forcing me to raise my hand, which hurts a lot since I still have few bruises and cuts. "N-No. I'm fine, Sakura-chan." I said and she released a sigh.

"But you can't fight anymore in your state, Yuki!!" Naruto yelled at me and I just sighed. "Don't you have any faith on me?" I asked, not looking at them.

"O-Of course we have faith on you! What kind of question is that?!" Naruto said and I just sighed again. "Then, believe me.... I can do this!! Trust me, okay?" I said and both of them released a sigh of defeat. "Fine....."


I didn't pay much attention to the others and just patiently waited for my turn. Suddenly, an oh-so-familiar pain was felt in my chest and I bit my lower lip. "Of all times.... Why now?" I asked myself as I stood up and ran towards the bathroom.

There, I coughed my throat out until........

"Yuki! Oh not again!!" I heard a familiar voice say and the person rubbed my back as I violently coughed out more blood. I glanced at the person and my eyes widened. "C-Chiru-san?" I said in disbelief, more like asked, weakly and he just smiled warmly.

But it turned upside down as I coughed out more blood. "Yuki, you have to go to the hospital." He said and my eyes widened once more. "N-No way!!!" I yelled and he stared at me in confusion.

"I s-still have to spar someone! A-And besides.... I-I'm fine." I complained but obviously it was a lie since I coughed out more blood. And it's much more violent this time.

"It's not just some kind of spar! You have to fight someone until that person withdraw or pass out! And you're in no condition to fight! You need medical attention and fast!!" He yelled, worried. I just smiled and wiped the blood off my chin. "Watch my fight, Chiru-san. Just watch and see." I said weakly and he sighed in defeat. "F-Fine. Just don't use too much chakra!" He reminded and I nodded.

"This made you feel better last time and I hope it will make you feel better again." He said and hugged me. I stiffened at the sudden action but soon I got used to it and relaxed. "Arigatou (Thank you), Chiru-san." I said as I felt the pain in my chest slowly disappear. "You're welcome. I will always be here." He said and we stayed in that position for a few minutes.


The door slammed open, revealing Dararu and Dhean. "Hurry!! It's your turn, Yuki!" Both of them said in unison, shocking me. I looked at Chiru and he gave me a worried smile, but he encouraged me though. "Go ahead. You can do it." He said and I smiled again.

"Of course, I can!! Watch me!" I yelled and ran towards the place where I should be.

Gruuuu. Err. Not now, stomach! You can wait later!! I remembered my last meal and it was just..... A fish. I will eat after the fight.

I arrived and the proctor looked at me. "Stand *coughs* here.... Yuki." He said and pointed at the space in front of him. I nodded and ran towards there. "Are you both ready?" He asked and I looked at my enemy.... G-Gaara?!!

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