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Emma's point of view.
I really feel bad, worse than I have felt since my mother's death maybe. I loved him so incredible much, I know he loved me too, it was all over him but he didn't loved me enough to not hurt me as much as he did. I probably still love him, I am beyond mad at him but I know that after a couple weeks, maybe days I see that I'll still love him, and that won't just fade away. He'll try to be forgiven but I don't think I can, I think he broke me too bad to be forgiven.

"Tessa come here! I need my stuff!" I shout at my younger sister who has been messing with my things all day. I need them now so I can re-check my bag again.
I walk down the creaky stairs and my eyes immediately fall on the small blue cosmetics bag, I open it and exhale annoyed when I notice my deodorant gone. I go back upstairs and without knocking I open her door and look at how she has placed my deodorant in between hers.

"That's mine." I hiss and take it from her shelf walking back to my bedroom.

I reach for my phone and dial Zayn's number. He has been my step brother for 7 years, his father was my mother's second husband, I love them and fully see them as family.

"Emma?" He asks and I smile at the thought I will see him within 24 hours when I arrive in Boston. BCU, I always wanted to go there, Zayn has been there for already a year since he is a year older than me. It's quite far away from London where I live now, like, the other side of the world, but my mother always talked about the time she had there. She died 4 years ago because of cancer, it was horrible and I miss her so much but I have a caring family whom I love also very much.

"Are you excited?" His thick accent asks me and I nod.

"Very." I smile and he chuckles.

"When will your classes begin?" He asks and I exhale.

"It's Wednesday so I think I'll start Monday to have a couple days off."

"I did that too. But I have to go sadly, uh, see you tomorrow?" He asks exited and I grin.

"Yeah, bye!" I giggle and he ends the call.

Zayn always has been cooler than me, he was quite popular and had many friends while I, didn't. I got along with almost everybody and sure wasn't lonely but I didn't had friends who you could really talk to and all. But Zayn and Tessa always have been enough for me. And I have never been really social anyway, I always hide in books and read endlessly.

Anyway, Zayn has been going on the wrong path ever since he stepped foot in college. He has done drugs and he drinks alcohol lots more, yet he is very wise with it, he doesn't do it to be cool, I know that and he does too, so I have found peace with it.

"Eleanor!" My father shouts from down the stairs and I step from the bed, "diner!" He adds and I rush downstairs as I notice myself hungry. I stand next to him and smirk at him wearing a "best dad ever" apron tied around his middle. I look down at the green soup and smile at him.

"I prefer Emma." I remind him even though I know he'll always call me Eleanor, my full name.

I grab 3 plates out of the kitchen cabinet and place them on the cheap wooden diner table. I add cutlery as my younger sister takes place on her usual chair, she impatiently looks around scanning the room waiting for diner to be served.

"A traditional zucchini soup for my ladies." My father proudly says placing the pan on the coaster.  I look on the table and realize I was supposed to get the bowls instead of plates. Tessa and William laugh while I quickly replace the plates biting my lips to keep me from laughing.

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