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"Go faster Glenn!" I yell at him slightly shoving his shoulders.

"Don't push me H, I will get us killed." He chuckles and I lick my lips as a thought crosses my mind. I scan the highway and when the car in front of us deviates to the left I grab the steering wheel in one fast move and as I thought the action gets more.

"Harry what are yo-" He screams pressing the break and I let go, too late. I let out a loud scream and my vision blurs. Loud noises and screams take over my life for a moment and pain, pain and scare is all I feel.

"Harry?! Baby wake up!" She quietly says moving my body and I scare awake.

"Emm?" I pathetic whisper and she smiles laying back on the bed.

"It's okay." She whispers laying her body back on my chest wearing my worn t-shirt.

"It's okay now." She whispers and I sigh, I haven't had these flashbacks- nightmares dreams in weeks, why tonight? Is it because Emma and I'll be going to his grave, it must be, right?

"Emma?" I lazy smile, my body damp and sweat gathering on my hairline.

"What is it?" She whispers stroking my upper arm with her thumb.

"I really don't want to say it but, did you just call me "baby"?" I smile and she giggles.

"I think I did." She chuckles and I laugh.

"You just say it often." She defends and I kiss her hair just because I can.

"It's nice." I grin and she smiles.

"Goodnight babe." She giggles and I grin.

"Babe now huh?" I continue the conversation and she shrugs.

"Babe is better for a male." She says and I laugh.

"Okay, baby." I play and lift her head up by placing my thumb under her chin and softly connect our lips.

"Love you." She says and I respond the same.


"Shall we?" She carefully asks placing her hands on my chest and I sigh, I am only doing this for her, only her, no single cell in me wants this but when she asked me I could not bear to say no.

"Yea." I mutter and she takes my hand as we're out of her father's sight. We step in the blue Maruti Suzuki 800, the car of her step father. Zayn is an asshole for not giving his family any money, I don't even know where he got that expensive car.

"We'll go to my mother's first okay?" She asks quiet and I turn to her.

"That's okay." I say and she tries a smile, this'll be a sad day, for her. I know how much she loved her mother, and how fucked up it was that she died.


We arrive at the cemetery she directly takes my hand folded in hers. She seems to know exactly where her mother's stone is as she without speaking walks, her breathing getting faster.

"Why isn't it maintained?" She asks cold and I look at the stone in front of us. She's right, it looks horrible, old and overused candles and dried out roses.

"Is this-" She says not finishing her sentence and kneels in front of the stone reading the name over and over. 'K. Malik.' It says, Katherine Malik, it's the right name.

"Emm." I whisper sitting next to her helping her back up.

"Why is no one- no one- it's so, ugly." She gasps and I hold her tight. How fucked up is her family to not maintain the fucking gravestone of their fucking wife and mother?

Forever. | Harry S. (AU)Where stories live. Discover now