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"Sophia is coming tomorrow right?" I ask Liam and take a bite from my burger.

"She is, more news, my parents bought a house just off campus." He says and I smile.

"Really? That's awesome!" I say and notice myself sounding sarcastic.

"That sounded wrong, I mean it, that's great." I smile looking down at the table and I feel his concerned look at me.

"What happened?" He asks and I lean forward crossed arms.

"You want the whole story or one word?" I breathe trying a smile and he sighs trying the same.

"I want to know what happened." He says and I sigh.

"What do you know about Denise?" I ask him and he sighs leaning back.

"That she was bullied, like serious, and someone filmed how they had sex or something, I don't know, why though?" He speaks and I look around assuring that no one's listening.

"It was Harry." I say and he gasps.

"What do you mean?" He calmly asks wanting to hear me say it.

"Harry recorded her." I state and he scoffs.

"And the worst part is that, that's not the whole story." I mutter and he sighs.

"You don't have t-"

"But I want to, at least, I just want to clarify things." I breathe and he smiles.

"That's okay, tell me." He says and I slightly smile and lean forward.

"So I found out about the Denise thing, I even read her suicide notes," I laugh weakly and Liam looks shook and caring.

"Obviously I was pretty pissed at Harry, and we fought for, a couple minutes, but it's something with us that, we can't stay mad at each other, I tried so hard but I couldn't not forgive him. You get that?" I ask feeling ashamed of being so incredible weak.

"I do, I can understand that, but-"

"It's not right." I add smiling weakly and he sighs.

"You can't let him walk over you." He says and I sigh. I know he's right, I know he is, I knew it before he even said it, and every time Harry hurts me I tell myself those words, over and over again, but all he needs is to give me one stare and I've forgiven him. That's the problem, I may make him strong, but he makes me weak.

"But go on." He smiles.

"Well, I forgave him. I don't know maybe two days later we had a small fight because I had fun with another guy, as friends, of course. Harry completely overreacted, he set me out of his car and we didn't talked to each other all day further on. That night, I went to a party with Ethan, that guy-"

"And Harry was there too and got mad." Liam says and I smile.

"Yes. I tried to ignore it but ended up finding him in the bathroom, with another girl." I say and Liam scoffs to Harry.

"I cried my heart out and decided to go to England, to my father and sister." I say and am scared of telling him that I forgave Harry for cheating on me.

"And two days later, Harry shows up, all the way in England, asking for forgiveness." I sigh and breath in for the last sentence.

"I gave him that." I end and Liam nods. He thinks I'm crazy, how can a girl possible forgive someone for cheating on her, two days ago.

"And why are you here and he in England?" He asks and I smile sighing.

"I found the video where he took Denise's virginity on his phone." I smile and he does too.

Forever. | Harry S. (AU)Where stories live. Discover now