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Harry's point of view.

I'm back in England and fuck, do I miss her. How can I be such a damn idiot to still have that video, I honestly thought I didn't. When I walked back into the bedroom, to her and I saw those tears on her cheeks, directly I knew I fucked up. She realized forgiving me for the video was far from wise.

"Let go of me and don't follow me outside."

I repeat her words, they felt horrifying, like it wasn't her, how much she meant them. She left then and I cried my heart out, I had to pay the creep for the things I broke and got scared of myself that that wasn't nearly the worst thing that happened. I directly went to the airport and missed the flight, I had to wait for a shit load of time but maybe it was for the best, I had time to think. I realized that I'm fucking horrible at talking so I decided to end my letter. I knew I wanted to give it to her once, just not now. But I honestly don't care anymore, I want her to read my honest feelings and let her decide wether to throw the paper in the trash can or hang it on her wall, I don't give a fuck, as long as she reads it and understands.

I directly went to our apartment, I won't hunt her or some shit, I need to give her time as much as I hate it. I went home and listened to our song the whole fucking night. I even called her once to know how she was doing, just to make sure, she was with Taylor, outside, probably with the males. I hate how Niall and Louis like her, she's mine, even now, she is and they need to know that.

It's 11 o'clock now and I'm in her dorm, she and Taylor won't be home, at least I hope not because I don't want to walk into them. I lay down my letters on her bed and look around, I haven't been in this room much, I see stuff that belongs to her that I didn't even know. I smirk by myself when I notice the huge ass difference between Taylor's and Emm's side. How could you expect any differ?

I walk outside and directly shiver as the cold midnight breeze hits my skin. I'm wearing a dark army green sweater, I found it somewhere hidden in my closet, I thought why the hell not.

I sit down on a bench next to the cold brick wall and hear her footsteps, she's going through this door? I stand on feet and step in the shadow hoping she won't notice me. She's wearing the outfit I saw her last in, she is helping Taylor with walking, she's way too good for her, for her friends, hell for me.

I can't help the smile on my face, it's just her. Fucking cheesy, I know.

I watch her and Taylor disappear through the doors and take my earbuds, I click on my "E" playlist, it are songs who remind me of her, I always play in situations like this, where I can't have her completely.


Emma's point of view.

And I know, that, in what situation possible, I will love her forever.

I look up from the paper and lean my head back, wipe the tears of my cheeks and exhale smiling.

"Mistakes are always forgivable, if only one has the courage to admit them." My mother used to say. He has admit everything, not only his mistakes but also his past.

I step off the bed and put on my Adidas sweatpants and sweater. Slowly walking outside I repeat his words. They all were so perfect, so honest and pure. They were all I need to forgive him and secure the idea of always being his. Making me secure that I will always choose him, over and over and over again, that I will never get over him.

I open the creaky doors and my smile grows when his body appears out of the shadows, soaked because of the rain, I knew he would be waiting.

"I read your letter." I speak 15 feet away from him, he smiles but doesn't move, he's patiently waiting for me to do the action.

"You did?" He carefully asks and I nod yes smiling.

"I loved it." I smile and he does too.

"I love you." I correct myself and his smile brightens.

"Fuck it." He speaks and within seconds he presses his lips against mine, his cold hands holding my warm cheeks. Rain dripping between us and our bodies moving closer to each other. That indescribable electricity I've felt constantly the past month takes over me and his touch I will miss every second when it's not with me feels perfect.

In this moment I don't think we're outside in the rain, I think we're back on Harry's bed, where I asked him to stay, where we danced on his music and made fun of each other. Where we are both terrified of each other because we fell so incredible in love.


no point of view?

They were total opposites, he was rude, tattooed, mean and mysterious and she was shy. Since the day they met he knew she was different, she wasn't like all the other girls walking around on campus. He started writing, knowing that the words he wrote down were about her, he just wouldn't wanted to admit it because, they could never be like that, right? Yet, he was completely taking over her mind even though they've only shared eye contact. He was all she could think of, his green emerald eyes and his raspy, deep voice. She quickly found out that they shared friends, they met again and only a stupid coincidence made it so that, she ended up in his bed. He was about to close the door and leave her alone because, she hated him, she wanted him gone. Till those words escaped her lips and he knew, he had a chance, and that chance he took.

Minutes later their lips connected and the flames he had since they were on his bed spread through his whole body and when he opened his eyes and stared into hers, he knew, the whole time, what he felt for her, was mutual.

Thirty six days later, they've fought, they have shared beautiful moments and turned them into lasting memories, yet, they both know, their story is far from over.

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