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"Emms, you coming?" Taylor asks me gathering stuff in her bag. I've come to learn that Styles is sort of close to my new friends, we're heading to Pop's and he's expected too. I honestly don't know how to think about it, Louis and Zayn both don't want me near him, and he doesn't seem to like me, and our last chat ended with him humiliating me.

"Yea, ehm, are we walking?" I ask her not sure why I did.

"Yes, you know it isn't far." She chuckle surprised by my question, I honestly don't know why I asked it.

"Yes, sorry." I chuckle feeling a little woozy.

"You feeling alright?" She notices and sits next to me taking a break from the chaos she was in.

"Just, head-ache, it's nothing, let's go." I say and she hugs my shoulder with her arm smiling at her.


"Emms." Louis speaks leaning his arm on my shoulder walking me inside, I respond with a laugh and look back to see if Zayn and Niall are here yet. They aren't. Just as him, but I won't pay attention to his presence.

"Let's order something, Niall, Zayn and Harry are showing up later they said." Taylor says and I nod taking place in the usual booth.

"Heard you two going to class together." Taylor comments and Louis and I both nod.

"We are, only music history though." I tell and Louis nods yes.

"It's really fun that class, we discu-" I say but Taylor cuts me off by moaning.

"Boring!" She groans and I laugh at her comment.

"There'll be another party tomorrow, at the frat house, who's coming with?" Louis starts and before answering I hear Niall.

"We will all go!" He shouts letting everyone in this place hear him. He takes seat next to me, I sit in-between Louis and Niall and Zayn and Harry who were behind Niall apparently sit next to Taylor. Harry is looking right at me teasing me with his stare.

"I'm serious, all of you have to come." Niall adds and I look at him.

"No." I state and Niall dramatically exhales.

"Can you believe this woman?" He asks the group throwing his arms in the air making me giggle.

"I have to work on my assignments!" I defend myself and he smirks razing his brow.

"I have to work on my assignments." He mocks my words and I shove his shoulders giggling. I feel all the eyes on me but I somehow don't feel uncomfortable by it.

"Emms, please come, it'll be so much more fun with you." Taylor pleas and I roll my eyes to her as I start considering it.

"Don't you hear her? She rather stays boring." Harry  speaks annoyed by either me or Taylor and Niall but I won't have it.

"I'll come." I fire back and Harry chuckles cooly.

"Thank you!" Taylor celebrates and I feel good because of it.

"What will you wear?" Louis asks leaning forward making me feel awkward by his question.

"Why do you care?" I ask and I get reminded my step brother is here too, why isn't he saying anything?

"Zayn?" I whisper at him as the rest has already begun a new conversation.

"Why are you so quiet?" I ask him and he smiles.

"I'm happy you've settled in so fast." He smiles back.

"Me too." I say meaning the words I am saying.

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