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Harry may be the best thing ever happened to me. I feel something when I'm with him, I feel one feeling so strong but I can't define it. I am so much more me when I'm with him. Yet I am terrified of him, I never would have pictured a person like him as a man I would, or even could love. I am frightened that it might not end well, or that it will end. I am scared that it was all a perfect illusion and that we will get hurt with the truth, the truth that is that we don't belong together, that we are not matching puzzle pieces. That we are like fire and water. That there'll be a day where we'll fight and hurt each other and we say things we don't mean but we just want to hurt each other because we know we don't fit together.

But I am also completely, fully in love with him. I want to spend every day and every night with him. I want him because he makes me feel loved. I want him because I know he loves me even when I am moody. I know he'll still say I look beautiful when I wear sweatpants and a thick sweater. I know that if I start crying he'll open his arms and let my cry in his shoulders and tell me that it'll be alright. And he may not buy me flowers but I know he can give me much more than that. He can make me happy with only the sound of his laugh or the stares he gives me with his deep green eyes. He can make my day with only one compliment or one hug. He can make my laughs louder and my heartbeats faster. He has me most of the time and I'm willing to give myself to him. Every time I'm with him I can't wait for him to kiss me or laying on the same bed cuddling. It are just those little things that make me fall for him.

I don't know how or if we'll end but till that's not the case, I'll love him.


*Can you pick me up I am really tired...* I text Harry, we've shared several texts today, things like "I miss you" and "I want your vagina. again.'" I feel so uncomfortable, yet good, with his perverty words.

*Sure baby, I'll be there in five minutes,* he immediately texts back and I already look forward to meeting him again.

I walk outside and wait for Harry to show up. I push away the negative thoughts and focus on the road. I am more than relieved when I see his antique car driving towards me. He steps out without shutting down the engine and runs toward me hugging me tight. I'm surprised by the gesture but it seems like he missed me,

"I was gone for six hours." I say and it makes him hug me tighter. His eyes are closed and he breathes calmly. He moves his body away from mine.

"So, I killed my phone, we need to go to the mall to buy a new one." He says and I look at the broken phone he is holding.

"You're just gonna buy a new phone?" I ask as he lays his arm on my shoulder and I take his hand hanging from my shoulder with mine.

"I need a phone, maybe you do too, for as far as I know, you've got a shitty phone, I mean, what even is that?" He makes a gesture to my phone in my behind pocket.

"It's a Samsung s3 Mini white." I say proudly and he chuckles.

"Whatever." He laughs and I slightly giggle.

"What phone will you buy?" I start the conversation knowing he's gonna buy an iPhone.

"iPhone six I think." He says simply and I nod.

"Why would you spend so much money on something you only need for calling and texting?" I try to start a amusing conversation.

"'Cause I use it for much more than that." He simply remarks.

"Are you feeling well?" I ask him and he stops.

"Why wouldn't I be?" He pushes me against the car and touches his stomach against mine.

Forever. | Harry S. (AU)Where stories live. Discover now