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Harry's point of view


"O my god what time is it?" I groan as she works her way out of my arms, but I won't have it, I pull her back against my chest and she laughs adorable.

"It's breakfast time." She informs me and steps off the bed trying very hard not to cover her naked body up for me.

"I love you, you know that?" I say leaning my head on my elbow staring at how she dresses, she again decides not to wear a bra, how the fuck will I be able to speak now?

"I know." She cooly shrugs and I lay back on my stomach taking my phone from the bed side table. I, again, have no texts unlike Emma. Niall, Louis, Taylor and all those other friends she has have been stalking her since she left campus and it's driving me goddamn crazy.

"Get dressed, maybe I'll meet my brother in law." She chuckles and I smirk. She has been talking about that boy since she knows of his existence. She has been dying to meet him, unlike me, I didn't not like the talk I had with her sister but since I was one, I've hated kids, they're so annoying and self entitled. Now, her sister seemed nice but, her older sister is, nicer.

"Oh fuck." I groan and step off the bed scanning the floor for my clothes.

"I'll see you down the stairs." She says and I sigh laying back on the bed. I hope she fucking wants to leave sooner, I just can't wait to get back at the apartment and have her wake up in my arms and stays in them for a while, not going to fucking breakfast with her family.

I put on my black sweatpants and white t-shirt and sleepy walk down the stairs already feeling the awkward tension. Her dad really doesn't like me, only it's that I don't give a damn, it's not like I ever want to have his permission to propose or something, I won't marry her, we don't need to.

"Hey." Emma smiles as I take seat next to her and I return a smile also.

"So is Thomas coming by today?" She questions yawning and I place my hand on her back just because I can.

"Yes, but, will you, like," Her little sister carefully tells her to fuck off when he gets here.

"I won't be awkward." Emma smiles grabbing a bread from a wooden basket and takes a bite from it.

"Maybe the four of you could spend the day?" Her dad suggests and I can't help but cough dramatically. For a second all the faces are pointed at me but Emma's positivity quickly gets all the attention.

"That'd be so much fun!" She yells and I grin as I think about it otherwise.

"Okay but don't be awkward." Her sister remarks and Emma scoffs.

"I won't!" She playfully laughs and I sigh with a smile.

"How late will he be here?" She questions her and her little sister sighs.

"Or so nosey!" She fires and I get a quick reminder that they're sisters. My sister and brother and I always were like this too, till I murdered one of them.

"I'm not nosey!" Emma defends and I chuckle taking a sip from my orange juice reminding me of the morning where she left me early and the day where I cheated on her. Fucking stupid asshole I was.

"I heard you and Zayn are friended." Her father asks me while the two girls are playfully fighting. My hand still on her back I lean forward to face her father.

"We were." I simply respond to his statement.

"Not anymore, what happened?" He questions and I take another sip from my drink.

"Just, not anymore." I answer him and he leans back.

"I gotta tell you, I'm quite surprised by her, what should I call it,"

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