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I groan as I hear a girl drop something next to me. I turn to my side and lazy open my eyes seeing Taylor on the floor.

"Shit did I wake you up?" She asks me and I force every muscle in me to sit up.

"No, it's okay." I groan, she did though.

"You had a pretty good time last night, huh?" She stands up from the ground with her phone she dropped in her hand and than sits next to me on my bed.

"I did?" I ask her, I totally blacked out and I mentally start to panic, what happened?

"Well, seemed like it." She chuckles making me need her to tell me what happened.

She sits next to me on the black blanket covering my lower body and ties her shoes.

"Don't worry, you only danced a lot, you were pretty cute and that dress! That dress was the topic everyone talked about!" She stands back up and I need to know if I got drunk, how other would I've blacked out?

"Did I drank?" I ask her questioning, she turns to me again and smiles a little.

"You didn't, now I have to go, I put my number in your phone by the way." She rushes the words and disappears from the room. I didn't drank thank god.

I'm alone again and decide to take a shower. I open the lowest drawer and pull one white soft towel out. I am just wearing sweatpants and my favorite black Adidas sweater.

The first night in my own dorm was to my surprise really good. My bed is surprisingly comfortable and away from the headache I feel pretty good after tonight. I am relieved that nothing bad happened yesterday and I can only feel happy about the fact that my college life is great so far. I've made three new friends and I'm able to go to my step brother whenever I want.

I walk into the cold shower room and shiver at the thought of how many people have showered here too. I search for the cleanest shower cabin and when found I pull of my sweater and sweatpants exposing my naked body. I turn on the shower and to my surprise the water is coming out fast and heat. The warm water feels exquisite on my skin. I close my eyes and run my hands through my hair. This was exactly what my brain needed.


I walk back to the dorm after a long time in the shower and decide to start my side of the room, I unpack everything of my suitcase and decorate my walls with pictures I brought and I place all my books, school and personal, on my bedside table and in the drawers.

After that I crash my body onto my bed and notice several unread messages.

Taylor has added me in a groupchat with Niall, Zayn, Louis and her, Apparently she has added their numbers too because I can see their names already.

*Pop's tomorrow morning?* She asks reminding me of the coffee place. Niall and Zayn are quick to respond and a minute later Louis joins too.

I turn off my phone grinning and toss it on the bed.

I have been thinking about that man at the party, he knew my name, like my full name who only the closest to me know, and Zayn seemed to dislike him much. Why doesn't he like him? Why did he knew my name? I seem to have so much questions about him... Why though? I could also just forget him...


Louis and I have made a deal to go to Music History together and meet up at Pop's. I have been sitting here for a short while and am already reading.

"Emms!" I hear the excited voice coming through the doors and I smile at him looking away from my books.

"See you're already being back to nerdy Emms." He laughs and I grin at his remark.

Forever. | Harry S. (AU)Where stories live. Discover now