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"Dad?" I ask him on the phone and happiness floats through me when he picks up.

"Hey love how are you? Doing good?" My step dad asks enthusiastically and I can't help but smile.

"I'm doing so good! How are you and Tess?" I ask playing with the necklace I've been wearing ever since.

"We're great, Tessa isn't here now, she's swimming with her class!" He says and I laugh, Tessa has been talking about this day for weeks.

"It's nice talking to you, I'm sorry I haven't called earlier. Zayn misses you."

"I miss him too, tell him that. So tell me, how is college life?"


*Together again????* I text Louis hoping he'll come to music history with me again.

*Yes, I'll pick you up in a minute!* He responds and a thought floats through my mind. Harry has music history too. Will he show up?


It has been one week since the incredible night Harry and I shared. Not only the kiss but also the laughs and the conversation we shared, they were lovely. I don't know why we haven't talked in seven days, I do sort of miss him, but I don't want to make the first move. I want him to do that, see what he'll do, when he does it, or if he does something.

I haven't told anyone about it, I think I'll tell Liam when I talk to him again. I don't know if Harry told someone, maybe he talked big about it to his friends. I wouldn't be so surprised if he did but I'd rather not.

I don't know how I look back at the events of one week ago. I wanted it, nothing in me wanted to stop but looking back, I regret it. I regret ever asking him to stay, I regret touching that cd, regret asking him that question. But I think if that didn't happen, something else would've.


"Every time I was with him, or when I'm with him I feel this electricity shoot through me, like even when it's only his shoulder against mine when he walks past me, it's there, it takes over my body for a second. So after that day in Pop's with Louis, Niall, Taylor, Zayn and him, when we went home Taylor and I lost our key, we stayed the night at Harry's place, I kissed him, or he kissed me, it happened and ever since we haven't talked I haven't even seen him. It's like he's removed from this planet and I somehow miss him so much." I throw everything out and thankfully Liam is listening honest to every word I say and I love him for it.

"You should meet him once, for how far I know the feeling you have is mutual and I know him well enough to know that he's just scared of his feelings, how cheesy it may sound." Liam says smiling slightly.

"You know him?" I ask referring to his words.

"We shared a dorm for a while, I basically hated him but I see why you, like, him." He laughs and I do too.


I feel the fresh air floating through my hair, I can hear ducks in the water and I see people holding hands and look happy at each other. I'm glad I'm one of them, I proudly turn my head at the guy sitting next to me. His green eyes connect with mine, his hair behind his ear is perfection to me. We sit on a wooden bench holding hands.
We came here to study but so far my mind has been somewhere else, it's been by the man I love. I realize how proud I must look here with him, but I am, I am proud of him, of us.
I stare at his lips, he notices and he connects them with mine. "I love you Harry."

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