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"Don't, don't stop loving me." His raspy voice says meaning the words. I will never stop loving him, I know that by now. I've come to learn how much I love him, and that I always will.

"I won't." I respond soft and he tries a smile.

"I won't Harry." I secure him smiling a little but I scare when I hear the loud voices coming out of the neon lights.

"Don't." I grab him as he wants to go to them and maybe finish what he started with Zayn. I really don't want him to, I just want to go home and watch a movie with him or something.

"Emma." He threatens and I scare, how does he not see that it's over, he shouldn't fight with Zayn, all we can do is wait, or hope, that he'll have peace with us being together.

I let go of Harry, I don't know why, maybe because this look at me is killing me. He gives me one more anger stare but immediately walks off the hill towards our friends. I follow him but stay in the shadows.

He walks past Zayn which confuses me and pushes Taylor against the wall. What is he doing?

"Don't fucking pull that shit again Taylor." He threatens and I walk to them faster than first. Niall and Louis stay out of their way but Zayn pushes Harry of her.

"Harry!" I follow him and he turns to me. I know this wasn't about anything I know about, at least, I don't think so, he couldn't possible be mad at her for inviting Zayn too. Could he?

"We're going." He says placing his arms on my back and I walk along with him turning my head to see Taylor looking worried, almost crying even, sad, concerned, so many looks but none of them show something good.

"What happened?" I ask him letting him know I won't go with him if he won't tell me what's this about.

"Tell me." I speak full with confuse making him sigh looking still angry.

"Harry, now!" I shout again and when he still doesn't respond I work myself out of his grip and walk back to Taylor who just continued her walk.

"Explain." I say desperate for an explanation.

"Emma," she exhales, I know she wants to tell me, she's afraid of Harry standing couple feet behind me.

"Tell me Taylor." I breathe and her eyes start to get glossy. I feel sorry for pressuring her but I want, or need to know what is happening.

"Tell her Taylor." Zayn says looking at me, I'm not going to like it, that's clear by now.

"Fuck off Zayn." Louis spits and I look back at Taylor slightly sobbing.

"Please, I need to know what's happening." I sob trying to get eye contact with her.

"Don't listen to Harry, just, tell me." I ease it for her hoping she'll listen to my words.

"She killed herself." She breathes and I get confused, what does she mean?

"She left a note, to me and Harry, she killed herself." She sobs and falls in my arms. I hug her and sobs escape her lips.

I look at Louis and Niall, who both look sorry, but who killed herself?

"Who killed herself?" I ask Louis and Niall and they share concerning looks with each other.

"Denise." Niall exhales and my mouth opens, Denise killed herself.

"I'm sorry Taylor." I whisper and she falls on the ground, I sit next to her holding her in my arms. I feel Harry's angry eyes on me but I ignore them. Why would he keep this from me? Why couldn't he tell me? How long is this going on already? When did it all began? Why do I still have so much questions?

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