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When I get in the philosophy class and I'm the first student away from one guy sitting almost in the front. I decide to sit next to him because he seems nice and he has a nice spot. I sit down and smile politely at him, though just when I want to tell him my name the professor starts,

"Today I want to discuss evil with you. What is evil?" My professor walks around the room making motions with his arms and hands.

"Is that scary neighbor with the tattoos evil? Are the inmates in max security evil? Are lions evil for killing loads of other animals? The answer is no, we all are evil. No I'm not saying you all are bad people but, think about when you walk down on a crowded street, you judge people right? Totally innocent, ordinary, people. You look at them and you already have a list of what you don't like about him or her. Evil is in every single person on the world." He hits me with his words and I'd like him to go on.

"Have you ever thought of really hurting someone? Someone who, cheated on you, or someone who, hurt your best friend? What I'm telling you is that evil isn't by example, killing someone, it's our minds and what we do with them, only the people who turn their thoughts into actions, we label as evil." He ends standing where he began.

"I want you to take out your note books and write down what you think is evil." He finishes and I grab my little brown note book and do what he says.

Evil isn't only in human beings, this world we live in is evil. 4 years ago my mother died and there wasn't showed one bit of merci. This world made her like that, she was loved by many. She was a young mother of three. This world is evil because it is unfair. So many kids die 'cause of reasons that sound so stupid to us. So many people have loads and loads of money while other people can't even afford a roof above their heads. But not only this world, also the human kind in general. Racism and bullies are here, and how it ruins peoples life is horrible. I've lived it, I know how it feels like to be hated, to feel worthless and alone, and it ruins everything.

I write down and I feel the boiling tears coming up. How did a philosophy class got me like this? I fight the tears and the guy sitting next to me notices.

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