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"I am going to miss you so much Emms." Taylor whines laying on her back. I smile because I know I'll miss her too. But this is what I need and what I want. And I've already packed my stuff, said goodbye to my friends, I am really ready. And I'm not leaving long, 12 days. Twelve days out of the two weeks vacation. Taylor says the first vacation of the year and the last are always the best because of the parties but believe me, I don't ever want to step foot in a party again.

"I'll miss you too." I smile and zip my suitcase closed.


I hand the cab his money and arrive at the airport. I somehow don't feel scared of leaving the country, I'm excited only. Yet I'm afraid I'll be going too long, are 12 days too long? It probably isn't.


I finally find my seat and I'm glad that it's next to a window. The first time in a plane was the trip I made almost 2 moths ago, when I was heading to college, the place I thought I'd be studying, making friends, learn things, yet, here I am, crying over my boyfriend, who has piercings and tattoos.

"Hello." A woman smiles bright and takes place on the seat next to mine. She looks very nice, young and happy. She takes place and I can see her husband and probably daughter taking place on the seat next to her. I smile at them, they looks so happy and beautiful.

"Is she your daughter?" I ask and she smiles.

"Yeah, Kira is her name." She says and I look at the blonde little girl sitting on her father's lap.

"Hey Kira." I smile and she waves at me giggling.

"Denise." The woman introduces herself and for a moment I freeze. It keeps following me, why does it haunts me like this?

"Yeah, Emma." I cough and she smiles.

"Nice to meet you Emma." She laughs and I join her. She and her husband continue playing with their daughter and the plane's engine starts. I look out of the window and for a moment I can forget about him.


I stand in front of the house, 20 feet away from it and dozen memories and feelings take over my body. I am terrified and excited about this vacation, does that make sense?

I knock the door and within seconds I hear the cracky stairs and the girl walking on it. She opens the door and jumps on me hugging me tight, I respond with a laugh and a tighter hug.

"Dad!" She yells and I directly smile when I see him appear out of the room. I step away from my sister and hug my father tight around his neck.

"Hello." I smile and he laughs.

"Come on." He says and I let go of him. We walk inside and I stop standing in the middle of the small room. I thought I would have to get used to the place again but I directly feel at home again.

"Is it okay if I go to my room? I just want to-"

"Of course." He laughs and I smile taking my suitcase from the floor and I walk upstairs to my old room. I walk inside and I can't help the smile on my face, I hated this place but now I don't get it anymore, it is so precious, so full of memories.

I open my phone and nothing in me is surprised when I see the many texts I got from Taylor. Since I left the dorm I haven't had working wifi, not that the connection is good in here, but it works.

*I just arrived, am in my old room now.* I say and smile when I see "typing..." under her name.

*O my god! I want you to make a Skype account right now!* She responds and I laugh.

Forever. | Harry S. (AU)Where stories live. Discover now