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"I'm already bored and we're not even there yet!" I groan loudly and look at him.

"Ethen tell a joke!" I yell and gesture to him.

"This party." He sighs and steps out of the car, I turn round and see notice the loud music and the dancing bodies. We step out of the car and I directly text Taylor that we're outside.

"Emma Malik everybody!" She screams with a red cup in her hand and waisted runs towards me. She's wearing a very short red dress and high heels. Her hair is curled and her lipstick messed up.

"Tee." I smile and she leans her body on my shoulder.

"Ethan, Taylor, Taylor, Ethan." I smile and Taylor reaches for his hand. The tension is sort of awkward and I really hope it'll get more fun.

"So- jesus- we're inside, coming?" Taylor smiles and almost falls.

"Later," I sigh smiling and she grins.

"Whatever! By the way, weren't you studying?" Taylor questions and I look confused at her.

"Why would you think that?" I ask her and she shrugs.

"Harry." She speaks and I sigh.

"Is he here?" I ask her and she smirks.

"Yeah, he showed his ass a second but- but he probably already left." She breathes and works herself out of my arm walking back inside.

"Be careful!" I laugh at her as she almost loses her balance again.

"Your boyfriend is here, huh?" Ethan smirks walking me inside and I grin.

"Shut up!" I laugh and he smirks.

"And he thought you are, studying." He says and I exhale, he probably didn't want Taylor asking me to come, Niall did and here I am, probably less than 20 feet removed from him, with Ethan who is maybe the cause of our fight. yet I actually don't really mind being here with him, I want him to know that I'm not crying in a corner, I am here and I am gonna have fun without him.

"No, that's what he said, hoping I won't come here." I speak and he grins.

"But I am here and I will have fun!" I state and he laughs.

"So we can either play stupid games, get drunk, or, talk." He smiles and I grin.

"I prefer the-"

"Emma?" I hear his voice and turn around. It's him and he seems confused, sober to my surprise and, mad.

"Hey." I mutter and take Ethan's arm and walk him outside.

"Goddamn it Emma." I hear him curse and walk behind me grabbing my arm.

"Let go of me Harry." I speak and he looks me right in my eyes reminding me what I love most.

"If you let go of him I will." He speaks and I look away. I let go of Ethan, I honestly didn't knew I was still holding his arm. Harry let's go of me but directly places his hands around my waist walking me to the stairs.

"I said let go of me." I tell him and he sighs.

"Why are you here, with, him." He questions stopping his movements trying not to look at me.

"Because I wanted to." I say and he curses.

"We're leaving." He says and I push him away from me, he looks shocked by it but I don't take anything of it back.

"So now you do want me huh?" I say and he looks back at me in sadness and anger mixed up.

"I always want you Emma," he mutters and I smile sighing.

Forever. | Harry S. (AU)Where stories live. Discover now