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"Emms? Can we talk for a minute?" Taylor looks a bit worried at me and it scares me, she never is this serious.

It's almost seven p.m, Harry, Taylor, Zayn and I wanted to eat something at Pop's again, Louis and Niall couldn't make it unfortunately.

"Sure, what is it?" I sit down on my bed and lay my book out of the way, Taylor sits next to me against the wall hugging her legs.

"At the frat house, when we lost our keys, I saw you, and Harry, sleeping." She says low feeling guilty. Taylor saw us? She saw Harry hugging me while we were asleep.

"You did?"

"What were you two doing?" She asks hoping I'll tell her the whole story, will I?

"We- I- I don't know, we've spent a lot of time together lately." I confess.

"How do you feel about him?" She asks carefully.

"I- Well, I don't know." I look to her and she seems worried but kind, she looks at me so kind.

"Denise was a girl just like you, she studied a lot, had plans for her bright future, she was pretty much perfect." Taylor explains the thing I wanted to hear since the day at Pop's.

"Like you she was a virgin still, Harry took that from her, he recorded how he took that from her, he leaked the nudes she gave him, he broke her." She speaks looking no longer at me.

"She got kicked out of college and the fights with her parents were fucked up. She committed suicide but failed, everything got worse from that day on." She looks so worried and I love her for that but. Harry did what?

"I don't want that to happen to you. Emma, you're so perfect, I don't want you to get ruined by those green eyes." She softly sobs and I move closer to her.

"Thank you." I feel tears coming up and the feelings I feel are getting very strong.

Harry broke a girl by faking his love for her?

"Did you know her well?" I ask her.

"I started to, she spent most of her time with him, so I started to get to know her. Fucking Styles." She sobs trying a laugh and I hug her tight.

"I love you Emma and if Harry does anything to you I will fucking murder the son of a whore but I also don't want to ruin what you have if it is honest, you know?" She sobs looking at me.

"I love you too." I am now sobbing too..

"Let me just talk about it with him alright?"


"Harry, moment?" I low ask him as Zayn and Taylor take seat, Zayn looks at me full with anger as I follow Harry outside.

"You don't have to do it now, but I want you to tell me everything about Denise." I get to the point in a secure voice and Harry looks shocked by my words.

"Taylor told you." He says to himself and I nod yes.

"I will tell you, everything, please know that you're nothing like her." He says carefully reaching for my hands but I carefully reject it.

"I was exactly like her Harry." I fire back and walk back inside. I sit in front of Zayn and Taylor and seconds later Harry sits next to me awkwardly.

"What the fuck was that about?" Zayn immediately questions and before I can answer Harry does.

"She asked me to fix a problem with her phone I gave it back to her, shall I order something?" He rushes the words and starts a new topic.

Taylor looked at me the whole time with the same caring look on her face, unlike my brother, he hasn't stopped being angry.

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