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Harry's point of view


When I woke up today she wasn't laying next to me. I hate it when she just leaves. How does her brain work, how does she think that I would rather sleep longer than wake up holding her? It feels like the time I'm not with her doesn't count.

When the fuck did I became so cheesy? Jesus fucking christ.

I decide to go back to the frat house and get my music and books, I didn't take them here first because there are just too much, and honestly I just wanted to throw them away, all of them except the two books and two songs who have meaning, Emma.

I step out of the bed and my eyes immediately fall on a small note on a pile of clothes. I smile noticing it are my clothes neatly folded. I open the letter and smile at her handwriting.

Sorry for leaving without saying goodbye, Liam called if we could drink coffee at Pop's. I love you, pick me up at 2? Xx Emma.

The note says and I grin. How does she always manage to make me smile?

I put on some clothes and keep the note in my behind pocket. I walk to the kitchen and smile when I see fresh made orange juice on the kitchen counter next to a toast. I quickly eat it more enjoying the fact that she actually made breakfast for me than the food itself.

I walk outside and sit in my car looking at my watch. It's 1 o'clock, I've got one hour, that'll do.

Emma's point of view

The call I just got from Liam woke me, he asked if we could meet half an hour earlier and drink coffee at Pop's, I really enjoy doing that, so as always I said yes. I can't decide wether to wake Harry or to just let him be, I know what he wants but something in me doesn't want to wake him. He looks so peacefully, it's almost impossible to wake him so I let him sleep. I'll write him a note or something. I step off the bed and put on some clothes as quiet as possible. I notice Harry's clothes tossed all over the floor so I take a white t-shirt and black jeans, as always, and neatly felt them into a pile. I place them on the dresser and walk to the kitchen.

Sorry for leaving without saying goodbye, Liam called if we could drink coffee at Pop's. I love you, pick me up at two? Xx Emma.

I write down on a small piece of paper and quietly walk back to the bedroom and place it onto the pile of clothes. I smile once more at him and walk to the bathroom to take a quick shower. Something in me hopes I'll accidentally wake him but I know I won't.

I make breakfast and decide to make double so I can leave Harry some. Orange juice and toast.

I am going to have to take the bus, I will be late five minutes if I leave now, I have to text Liam to tell him but away from that, this is a good day.


"Sorry I'm late, coffee?" I exhale, I was in kinda rush because of the traffic. He stands from the casual seat and I hug him.

"Doesn't matter and, I already ordered your usual." He says and I smile.

"Thank you!" I say trying not be sleepy which is hard.

"Traffic?" He asks smiling.

"Yea." I laugh and the coffee gets served on our table. I take a sip of my casual Latte Macchiato and I think I even closed my eyes for a second.

"You heard of that Denise girl?" Liam asks and I choke, he doesn't know it is very much connected with Harry?

"Yes, uhm, it's horrible!" I couch and he looks weird at me.

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