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I smile but am interrupted by him taking the small package out of the drawer of the bed-side table and he notices.

"If it's too intense you can also jus give me a blowjob." He smiles and I do too, he's funny but I know he means the words, he's caring, he won't have sex with me if I don't want to, but I do.

"I know." I grin and watch him undress.

"Why are you still in your clothes baby?" He whispers leaning on the front moving his face inches away from mine.

"I was distracted." I whisper back and step off the bed and pull my sweater off my heated body. I like the mood we're in, I love Harry when he's caring and sweet, but this somehow funny and perverty Harry is way more amusing, and when I'm in this weird, foreign, perverty mood, the situation is perfect.

I'm only in my sort of new bought bra and matching panties and when I lay back on the bed his eyes widen and he licks his lips seductive. He places his body onto mine wearing nothing but the rubber around his length. It still looks very intimidating but I think that will always be so.

"I won't go too hard baby." He groans through his kisses under my ear and I scare at the words, this whole sex thing is still very foreign for me. He moves his hand around his hard skin and places it against my sex making my gulp.

"Yea?" He asks for permission and I nod. He presses himself in me and I screw my eyes shut. The pain is not nearly as much as yesterday but it still feels very uncomfortable and foreign.

"You can move." I say smiling and he smirks at my words.

"Who are you? Asking me to fuck you." He grins and I giggle at his words, I don't know who I am, but I like this person.

He presses further into me and curses at the feeling.

"What you do to me Emma," he groans looking right into my eyes, sweat is already gathering on his forehead making him look so sexy and seductive, making me forget the pain.

"Fuck- is just- is everything. You are everything to me Emma." He confesses and I love him for it.

"Say you love me." He groans and I smile placing my hand on his hot cheek and he pumps a little faster and harder and deeper but I love it only more.

"I'll choose you," I begin,

"and I'll choose you, over, and over, and over again." I add smiling almost giggling and get all of his attention, though he keeps moving and it wouldn't surprise me if he, came.

"Without a doubt without a pause in a heartbeat. I'll keep choosing you." I speak moaning through the movements and he listens to every word as if they are the first words of his first born.

"I love you." He responds melting his lips against mine and doesn't move away for seconds.

"So much." He moans against the side of my lip and quick after he groans loud and presses his forehead against mine, still looking at me.

"Fuck." He laughs climbing off me. I giggle and hug his sides still in my bra.

"Should've taken that off." He mutters and I shrug smiling.

"Be honest," he breathes,

"did you got that quote from internet?" He smiles and I laugh, how does he know that?

"I did." I laugh and he does too.

"Not on purpose, I wanted to find a particular quote from Shakespeare, I saw it and I- I thought of you." I admit smiling and he surrounds my shoulders with his strong damp arms.

Forever. | Harry S. (AU)Where stories live. Discover now