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I heard the explosion and waited for horrible pain to pass through me, but nothing happened. Wind around me died down, birds quiet down and I opened one eye. Zeus was standing in his "calm" stage and watching me. Moving my arms away from my face I watched as an amused smirk slowly appeared on his face, the one that I dreamed of slapping away.

'I know a better way to use you' he said and I froze. Was he going to rape me as well? He did have those curses upon him, but do they really work? Or maybe he will turn me into a bird?  We are in a bird room after all.

'But not now. I want my brother to see everything' he smirked at me.

'You do know that he will go ape shit on you, right?' I asked, confused by his stupidness.

'He can't harm me if I have you'

'But your father and his minions can' I said wanting to scare him at least a little.

'My father is weak. He won't be able to even climb the steps before he drops dead.'

'Hades won't be happy about this'

'Better for me. I guess it's time to get a few more realms under my rule' he said and with an evil laugh, very clicheishly, left the room. Yes, that's a word I just created to describe an insane God.

I sat there frozen, thinking about ways Zeus could crush Hades' heart by using me. But then Zeus words resonated in my head.

Did Hades really love me? He never said those words, but I never said them either. I definitely enjoyed his company and body.

Just thinking about him made me feel even more trapped. I had to get out.

Standing up I noticed a burned down cushion right by my head and yet I was uninjured. Whatever the plan Zeus was plotting he needed me alive, at least for now.

I stumbled over cushions and grabbed the golden poles. I pulled them to me, pushed them away from me, but they didn't budge. A few minutes of struggling resulted in nothing and I plopped down on the cushions.

Another few minutes passed and I became bored. Looking up my eyes stuck on the bird seat and I decided to become a bird. A very bored bird.

Grabbing the pole I pulled myself up and sat on it. Tugging my front and back dress' folds I fell back and hung myself. Okay, I was turning into a bat not the bird.

Hanging upside down, I began thinking about my escape. I can't break the cage so I had to make someone open cage's door. But the only one who could enter was Zeus. That's what he told me, but the creep maid was the one who locked me in this room in the first place meaning that she must have the key as well. But will she even come here? Someone had to bring me food and water, but I could see Zeus doing that in order to keep me as a secret from other Gods. That left me with one option: seduce the Zeus.

But I won't do it. Even if he did open the cage, the two of us would take whole space and there wouldn't be room to move. Plus, he was stronger and bigger than me and one punch would be enough for me to be knocked out. Finally, I belonged to Hades and refused to taint myself with another man's seed.

So I just hung there until my eyes wondered up my half exposed thighs. They also landed on kunai sets that were barely visible and I knew what to do.

When Zeus will release me to have his plan in order, I will use them to stun him and run away. I hoped that I had guts to do it and hoped that Hades told me the truth about intense pain caused by blades.

Suddenly, room's door opened and just as I expected, Zeus walked in with food and water. Before he could see my blades, I pushed my dress up a little and watched him set his eyes on me.

He rose his brow at me.

'Sorry, I haven't learnt how to chirp yet as my kins do' I said and watched him open a small square shaped hatch by the floor and slid two bowls: one containing what looked like fruit cut into small peaces and water in another.

'I'm sure you will sing with them soon enough' he said as he stood up and looked at me.

Feeling the blood banging against my skull I skillfully lowered myself from the pole and plopped down on the cushions. I laid down on my stomach and propped my head in my hand, still watching Zeus.

He sighed as if I just drained his energy pool and turned his back to me.

'Eat' was all he said and left me to my thoughts and birds.

I looked up at them and saw all of them staring back at me. Still feeling bored I laid down on my back and looked at the featherly creatures.

'While I'm here you all can be my birdfriends' I told them and got blinking eyes and chirps back. I began thinking.

I hope Hades won't be mad at me because of so many birdfriends.

Or maybe he could become another and my favourite birdfriend?

He would be a cute black bird with shining red eyes.

A raven?

Or maybe a crow?

A badass birdfriend indeed....

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