In the safe town of Riverwood, five students go out to the newly opened local Murder House for a fun night. But when things start to get too real, the question on everyone's mind is, will they make it out alive?
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I go outside and see that Nolan and the others are there, with a rusty orange van that's losing its color and it has some graffiti on it.
"What the hell is this? What are we the Scooby doo of Riverwood?" I ask arching an eyebrow as I climb into the back when Diego opens the door.
Nolan is driving, Aubrey is sitting next to him, Paisley is sitting with her back to the road and Diago is sitting opposite from her.
"Do you mind? I like to sit near the window." I say and he gestures with his arms for me to sit down as he scooches away from the window.
"How exciting is this?" Nolan asks.
"I know right?!" Paisley agrees with the same amount of enthusiasm as usual.
"I'm jumping up and down from joy." Diego says not taking his eyes off his notebook, where he's currently sketching.
"How can you draw in a moving vehicle?" I ask taking a look at his drawing.
"It relaxes me." He says looking up and turning his face towards me, and I notice that there's merely and inch of space left between us. If Nolan misses one bump our lips would meet.
I clear my throat and look away outside the window and the rest of the car drive is silent until we finally reach the parking lot of the famous Murder House. Surprisingly, it's empty.
"Welcome to the Murder House." And overly enthusiastic employee much like Paisley, greets us at the entrance. "My name is Amy and-"
"Where is everyone?" Aubrey cuts her off, looking around the empty place with a confused look.
"Oh, were closing early tonight and no kne has come in all day, so you'll be our first and last group of the day." Amy explains.
"Looks like we're lucky." Nolan smiles.
He then shows her the tickets he had purchased for all of us, which he insisted them to be his treat since he begged us to come.
"I'm gonna need to collect your phones so you can't ask anyone for help or Google anything." She opens her palm and we all reluctantly place our phones in it. "Great, you got three hours and good luck." She ushers us to the second floor where big metal doors await us.
The doors opens once Amy puts in the password on the keypad and we all walk inside. Then the doors shut close behind us and lock.
"Well, it's not too scary so far." Aubrey says, definitely scared.
"I thought mystery was your thing. Why so scared? We haven't even started yet." I say.