In the safe town of Riverwood, five students go out to the newly opened local Murder House for a fun night. But when things start to get too real, the question on everyone's mind is, will they make it out alive?
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"Oh honey you look beautiful." My mom says as I apply my lipstick standing in front of my mirror.
"Thanks mom." I smile at her and check my phone to see that I have a few texts from my friends and a missed call from detective Brock. "Well I have to go."
"Wait, isn't Diego gonna pick you up?" She asks looking at me with a confused expression.
"Mom we broke up remember? And we're not going as a couple."
"I thought you'd get back together by now." She says following me out of my bedroom to downstairs.
"Are you serious? You were the one who didn't want us together." I say.
"I know, but I thought you really loved him." She stares at me, waiting for a response.
"I do. And if it's meant to be it'll work out I guess. Listen mom." I turn around to look her in the eyes. "I have to go now, I love you okay? And I'm sorry for everything."
"Honey you're just going to a school dance. Is everything okay with you? Is there something you wanna tell me?"
I swallow the lump in my throat and bite my tongue to resist the tears forming in my eyes from falling down my cheeks.
"No, everything's fine." I say with a shake of my head and quickly smile to recover from the frown.
"Okay see you tomorrow sweetie, you'll tell me everything?" She asks with a huge grin and I nod heading towards the door.
"Goodbye mom." I say one last time before heading out the door.
I sit in my car for a few minutes, the deafening silence surrounding me making everything seem even more real. Detective Brock and my friends are waiting at the police station to go over the plan for one last time. As optimistic as I want to be, I can't seem to shake off the feeling that our night will not go as planned. The killer is planning on attacking tonight, and even though the school is going to be swarming with undercover cops working the dance for extra protection, something tells me there's something we're missing. I have a weird feeling in my stomach and I'm afraid if I drive this car that I might never drive it back home. Looking at my house, I worry that I'll never be able to return, as if I'm heading off to war I know I'm going to lose.
Suddenly, the sound of my ringtone startles me. I wipe away my tears and put it on speaker as I reapply my ruined makeup.
"Hannah are you on your way?" Randy's voice comes through the phone.
"Yeah yeah I'm driving there now. Are you guys all at the station?" I ask starting the car.
"Yeah we're waiting for you. Drive safe okay, we need you to pull this off tonight."
"Don't worry I'll be there." I chuckle then end the call after we say goodbye.
Fifteen minutes later I arrive at the station and when I enter some of the younger officers start making googly eyes at me and I reply them with furrowed eyebrows and then smirk rolling my eyes.