Chapter 25

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"Twin? Wow I did not see that coming

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"Twin? Wow I did not see that coming." Diego says with a shocked reaction while the rest of my friends search for the right words to say.

"I know. I mean the killer always said we were family. I just thought they were messing with me or that it was my dad. But now this?" I say shaking  my head and sigh.

"Could your mom have been-" Aubrey carefuly asks.

"Lying? No no way. Not this time." I interrupt her before she finishes her sentence.

"She did it before." Nolan reminds me.

"Yeah but I know my mom. There's no way she could've pretended like that in front of me. Or made up a story like that. I believe her this time. She has to be telling the truth." I say with a nod, not sure if I'm convincing them or myself.

"Well who could it be? I mean was it a girl?" Randy asks in a whisper.

"She doesn't know. She never saw it." I explain.

"My money's still on her." Diego says looking at the entrance of the diner and we all follow his gaze to see Mandy walk in.

"What? Seriously?" Nolan asks in disbelief.

"I'm sorry man. Look at her, she's so, strange." Diego continues.

"They don't even look alike! Aren't we supposed to be looking for someone who looks like Hannah?" Nolan says angrily.

"Not all twins are idnetical Nolan." Aubrey rolls her eyes.

"You're seriously accusing her of being a killer because she's strange? Dude we're all strange. A month ago we didn't even speak to each other, we we're freaks. And now look at us we're like best friends for years." Nolan says. "So don't judge her for being like we used to be." He angrily scooches out of out booth and heads over to Mandy.

Mandy smiles once he sees Nolan and they exchange a few words before they both walk back towards the exit and Mandy turns around to give us a smile. Aubrey awkwardly waves at her just to be polite. And in a matter of seconds they're both gone out of the door.

I huff and puff and rest my head back, closng my eyes, trying to make sense of this all.

"I can't believe Nolan's on her side." I say.

"There are no sides Han, he's just." Aubrey trails off.

"Just what?" I ask.

She sadly smiles and shrugs. "She's a pretty girl who's paying attention to Nolan O'Brien. He's never had a girl like him it's always been him having a crush on girls who would never notice him. Give him a break."

I sigh once again. Sighing seems to be my go to exercise these days.

"On other news have you heard from Brock yet? Whether they found Paisley? Or who visited her the day she escaped?" Randy asks.

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