In the safe town of Riverwood, five students go out to the newly opened local Murder House for a fun night. But when things start to get too real, the question on everyone's mind is, will they make it out alive?
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"So you finally got your van back I see." I say as Nolan steps out of it after parking in the school's parking lot.
"Yep, cleaned it up and gave it a fresh paint." He says putting an arm around me as we walk towards the entrance.
"I can see that, you could've gone with a colour a little less." I trail off furrowing my eyebrows trying to come up with something nice to say.
"Vibrant?" He finishes me off. "Come on, orange is a good color for a van."
"It looks like Scooby doo's van." I say.
"You said that before too." He waves me off and we both laugh.
"Which is why I thought you'd go with a different combination than orange and graffiti."
"No graffiti this time, just orange." He says with a laugh. "So, you and Diego are, pretty much over huh?"
"Yeah." My smile fades away as I recall the long talk we had a few days ago when he got out of jail and we ended things.
"I thought you didn't doubt him being involved." He says.
"I don't, but he still lied to me and that's a big deal in my book so, figured it'd be best if we took a little break. How's he doing, have you seen him? Talked to him?" I ask.
"Oh you're not so subtle are you?" Nolan laughs as we enter the building and walk towards the newsroom.
"I'm not denying that I miss him or how I still feel, I just need a little time off to decide if I can trust him again or not." I say setting my stuff down on an empty table and taking a seat on my usual swivel chair.
"Do you? Trust him?" He asks.
"It's been three days Nolan, I think it's gonna take a little longer than that. Now tell me, is he okay?" I ask.
"He cannot stop talking about you and how he messed up, which is annoying yet sweet if you ask me. If you could decide a little faster that'd be great because I'm sick of him sneaking into my room half drunk every night at 2 am and needing to talk."
"I'll try." I say with a laugh. "And he really did that?"
"Oh yes." Randy says walking in. "I'd appreciate that too."
"You too?" I ask.
"Oh yeah, you know for someone so tough and mysterious I didn't peg him for a cryer." He says.
"Oh come on, you guys are just overreacting." I say waving them off.
"Is this about Diego again?" Aubrey asks walking in with Brea.
"You know about that too?" I ask as Randy kisses his girlfriend and Brea laughs with a nod and takes a seat next to me.
"Hey guys." Diego suddenly walks in and I could actually feel the entire room tense up.