Chapter 8

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"Happy Halloween

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"Happy Halloween." Aubrey says as I walk into the school building with Diego. He picked me up this morning on his motorcycle.

"You too." I smile. "I still cannot believe they're having this dance." I say as I see the hallways decorated with pumpkins and Halloween decorations and several students are even dressed up.

"Yeah, are you guys going?" She asks.

"Don't we kinda have to? We are the 'heroes', aren't we?!" Diego says sarcastically as Aubrey and I laugh at the joke he made about what the principal said two days ago.

"Hello my fellow heroes." Nolan says as he joins us with the rest.

"Is anyone gonna stop making jokes about that? I don't feel like a hero. Certainly not today." Brea says.

Brea lost her two best friends that night. Polly, Donna and her were inseparable and I understand why she's so upset. Especially since halloween was their thing and they used to go all out on their costumes.

"So, are we really going to this thing? Is it a good idea?" Randy asks.

"I don't know but, if we don't then we're letting Paisley win." Woody says and we all agree.

"You guys go, I'm not going. I can't." She says

"Hey, come on Brea. Polly and Donna would've wanted you to go." Jake puts an arm around her and pulls her in for a hug. "Come on babe."

"Fine." She sighs after a few minutes of persuasion from her boyfriend.

The bell rings and we all go on our seperate ways to class. Aubrey and I have the same classes so we walk together. We've grown pretty close over the past few days and I can finally talk about girl stuff with her. It feels so good to have a close friend.

"So, you've been coming to school with Diego two days in a row." She wiggles her eyebrows. "Are you two a official?"

"I don't know." I say with a smile. "I mean, we did-" She gasps. "Not that." I continue. "We did have an amazing first date and we are sort of heading towards something. We just haven't talked about it yet." I say. "But we did talk about couple costume ideas."

"What? Romeo and Juliet?" She asks cheerfully.

"No Aubrey, do we look like people who'll dress up as Romeo and Juliet?!" I say in a sarcastic tone.

"Jack and Rose?"

"No." I say confused. "I'm not gonna tell you, you're just gonna have to see for yourself tonight." I say and enter the classroom.

"Ally and Noah?" She yells after me.

"Not telling." I say.

The rest of the day goes by as usual and after school Diego gives me a ride home. Before going inside, I hand him the helmet and decide to talk about what Aubrey asked earlier today.

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