Ch. 18

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      I got my lunch and head outside with Ace and Mark by my sides.
      Right now it was the start of lunch and we all wanted to eat with each other outside.
     Ace opens the door for Mark and I and we smile at him, thanking him when we got outside. I had tons of questions for Mark but I figure I would just ask a few.
    "Hey Mark?" I ask, starting to eat lunch which is a piece of steak. (Not ginormous)
     "Yeah?" He responds taking a big bite of his turkey sandwich.
    "Why didn't you tell me Ace was your brother when we were younger?" I ask, tilting my head, giving him a questioning look.
     "I wanted to tell you at the right time." He smirks and laughs, Ace joining.
"Why didn't you eat lunch with him? How did I not see you together?!" I shout, trying to fit the puzzle together.
"First, I had to eat lunch with Bob and Billy." Said Ace,"And second, we both got to school at different times."
I nodded slowly taking another bite of my lunch.
"Hey y/n can we have a dance battle?" Mark smirks and stands up, walking to the grass.
"Sure but I'll beat your butt!" I respond, jumping up and sprinting in front of him.
Mark does a weird pose and I repeat it, adding a spin.
Mark then repeats that and adds finger guns.
We both do this for 5 minutes until it's my turn. I smiled at Mark and did a backflip.
He just stood there gaping.
"Cmon buddy we don't have all day." I chuckle and put a hand on my hip.
"Uh ok."
He tries to do a backflip and surprisingly lands it. He then adds a thrust motion and I laugh.
I did it and I just laughed wiping a tear.
"Ok I think it's a tie. You've been doing this for 1,000 years already." Ace complains, frowning.
"Fine." I pout and Mark picks me up by he waist and starts spinning me in the air like yesterday.
I giggle and put my arms in the air mimicking a plane.

(??? POV)

I saw that ugly hag with my handsome, charming, prince. I wish I could just smack her out of his arms and replace her.
Mark is the hottest guy in school no girl can resist! I can't believe he has an animal for a friend.
I jump in my seat when I hear my phone vibrate and look down. It was my best friend Cindy. (Change it if it's your name. I apologize.)
She was staying home today because she had a cold, se didn't want all the guys to see her in a bad state, but she's been texting me ever since school started.
I log into my phone and read her message.

Cindy: hey Megan!!!
(If that's your name feel free to change it. Again I apologize sincerely.)

Megan: hey Cind!!!

Cindy: how's Mark btw?
(By the way)
Megan: eh he's hanging out with that brat.😒😒😒😒

Cindy: uh I hate it when she upsets u! just hit her or something!!😒😡👿

Megan: ya sure I'll do that. What r u doing right now? ☺️😋

Cindy: I'm in bed rn. 🛌
(Right now)
Megan: I think I'm going to slap her. I'm heading outside rn!🙃

Cindy: yas girl!!! get her really hard! make sure Marks not around while ur at it!!😝

Megan: ok ttyl bye!!! 😘😜
(Talk to you later)
Cindy: Bye bff!!!!!!😘😘❤️❤️

(Your POV)

"Hey this is really embarrassing but I have to go to the bathroom. I'll be back in a minute." Mark says blushing and laughing a bit.
      "Ok later pee boi." I start to laugh my butt off.
      After Mark leaves I sit next to Ace. I start to hum my favorite song when I heard a girl.
     "Hey you!" A girl shouts running up to us.
     "Ye-" I look up but was interrupted by a hard slap in the face.

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