Ch. 7

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     When we all started eating I got creeped out by Laughing Jack. Sometimes he can act....just really...REALLY creepy. I ate very quickly so I could leave and so he would stop staring at me but then Toby got worried.
      "Hey you ok? I've never seen someone eat waffles that fast...apart from me heheh..."
      "Yeah I'm fine! I was just really excited for today...yeah." I quickly respond with a nervous smile.
        Laughing Jack looks at me weirdly and asks, "What's today? Someone's birthday? I could give them some candy~"
      "Hell to the no Lj, you'll just kill them and then they'd  have died on their birthday." Toby says with a bored expression on his face. 
        "Uhhhh n-no it's not someone's birthday. I'm just excited to play a uhhh a video game..." I try to answer, making up things along the way. I just really want to get away from Laughing Jack. BEN's eyes get bigger and he bounces up and down in his seat.
         "Oh my gosh...WHAT GAME?!" He shouts. "Ehhhh A LINK TO THE PAST!" I shout back. I've never played it before though, maybe I could borrow it from little BEN.
         "I HAVE THAT GAME, WANNA PLAY RIGHT NOW?" BEN screams and I get up, nodding my head. He jumps up from his seat and then gives the rest of his waffles to Toby, and we put our dirty plates on the counter. We then thank Slenderman for the food and sprint upstairs into BEN's room.
        He throws me the game and we both start playing, after I turn it on, he jumps into his TV and appears on the 3Ds screen.
"BEN what are you doing?" I asked, curiosity taking over my mind as I stare in awe.
"I'm ganna help you~" A voice comes from the 3Ds and I jump, looking at the screen to see the jolly elf boy smirking.
        "Oh c'mon Benny, I wanna play without help!" I whine, pretending to pout like a child.
          He smirks, "I'll just be your little Navi~ and I love that nickname~"
          I blush and just go with it. Thank you BEN for saving my life from the famous psycho smiling killer clown. I press start and play, BEN helping me along the way.

(It's almost 12:00 pm)
     After I conquered 2 dungeons, I stop and tell BEN to come out. He disappears and jumps out the TV as I turn off his 3Ds and put it back.
      "Good job, you didn't need my help that much!" He says cheerfully, flashing an innocent smile.
       I smile and hug him, him hugging back, and thank him for letting me play. He replies with a glitchy "No problem" and I walk out of his room. I bump into Toby and look up, seeing his brown eyes covered by orange tinted goggles, he smiles when he sees me.
       "Hey! Finally your done. Wait are you even done with that game?" He says with a puzzled look.
       "Nope! I only competed 2 dungeons." I smile at him. He cups my cheeks and I blush looking into his eyes... We both part when we hear Slenderman "awwwing". I blush more.
       "Y/n you make cute couples with my children. Always attracting them!" He crosses his arm and looks like he's smiling.
       You turn red and hide your face in embarrassment. Toby laughs and walks out the front door to sit on a log.
      I look at Slenderman and I can tell if he had a face, he would be smirking right now. I walk to Jeff's room and knock on the door. He opens it in a second and looks at me with unblinking eyes and a very welcoming smile.
      "Oh hey watcha wanna do with me." He asks, smiling wider.
     "Can we scare Toby? He's outside on a log by the front door." I smile mischievously.
      "YES Y/N I'M SO PROUD OF YOU!" He shouts. I giggle and we both go out the back door, sneaking up behind Toby, both shouting and scare him.
       " AHHHHHHHH!" He screamed like a little girl and jumps 50 feet in the air. He lands on the ground and turns to us, with an angry expression on his face. Jeff and I are laughing our heads off and some tears are forming.
      "HEY t-that's not funny J-Jeff!" Toby yells and twitches as he turns to him.
      "What! Only me! Y/n was in on it too!" Jeff's shouts back smirking.
       "Yeah but she's nicer!!"
        "She's the one who told me you were outside!!"
     They both started arguing and I was getting very annoyed, so I tried to stop it.
        They both turn to me and stare.
        "No one has ever came up with a good reason not to fight except you." Jeff says. "I'M KEEPING THIS MEMORY!"
      I smile and hug them both. "Hahaha ok ok your ganna make me blush!" I joke. "Let's go back inside before some monsters get us."
       You both walk into the house and Toby secretly held your hand, your fingers intertwined.

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