Ch. 14

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(That's a picture of Ace. Credit for the artist.)

(Toby's POV)

     Y/n was hanging out with some tall guy, maybe even taller than me. I will admit he did have the looks- but that's not what what I'm bothered about!
     I saw him hug my darling y/n and my inside feels like it's on fire.
    Am I...


      I'm completely falling for her, I don't want anyone with her. She's so beautiful though so how could I resist.
     I'll just ask y/n about him when she comes home.
    Hopefully she's not hiding anything...

(Your POV)

    I walked into art class excitedly, 'YES!' I thought. I sigh sadly knowing Ace is in the same class.
Opening the doors, I greet my art teacher, smiling at him and waving. He's the best art teacher in the world! He let's you draw anime which is the best part!
"Ok class, today you can draw whatever you'd like! Try and put as much detail in the clothes. Good luck!" He says cheerfully and claps, walking to his desk and sitting down, glancing at some students.
     I smile and carefully grab a piece of paper, planning who I'm ganna draw. I quickly got an image of someone in my head. 

                     It was Toby.

     I blush lightly and started to sketch the base.

Time skip

     It's been about a minute when I'm all done with the base. I start drawing his silky, perfect, brown hair.
    Then his eyes, nose, and mouth.
    Eventually I have his face done and started sketching his sweatshirt, then jeans, and black converse. I slowly make them detailed, adding a specific feature here and there.
I was just making some finishing touches when Mr. Rousle (the teacher) walks next to me and asks,"Y/n may I show this to the class?"
"Of course!" I say cheerfully with a friendly smile. I gently hand it to him, he holds it up and explains that detail is something that you need in art sometimes. (Do your teachers do this to you?)
He gives it back to me saying thank you and let's me color it. He then starts walking around telling students what to improve.
I take out my colored pencils and start to color the beautiful drawing. Brown silky hair, brown beautiful eyes, dark blue jeans, and shades of brown for the hoodie.
After that I look back at it and blush. He looked so perfect.
     I felt a tap on my shoulder and look up to see Ace, I sigh annoyed.
     "Look Ace I'm a little bu-" I was interrupted.
     "Who's that?" He smirks, putting a hand on my shoulder.
     "Oh it's just....a character." I lied and brushed his hand off, crossing my fingers under the desk.
      "It looks...nice." He responded and then left me to sit back down.
      I was surprised that he said it was nice. Usually he would say means thin- no. That's the other two. He was only Bobs follower who took orders from him. He wasn't really mean to me because I guess he likes me.
      I smile knowing that one of my bullies...well...He's no bully. He's someone who doesn't know better than to take orders from someone else.

     Art class ended while I was thinking and I went and packed up my bag. 'Good thing I finished.'
I started walking to history class. So far I only had Math homework.

Time skip

     After class, I say bye to Mark and start walking home. He was in history with me so I wasn't alone. We sat next to each other too. Mrs. Adoerer (pronounce it anyway you'd like) lets you sit wherever you want so that's pretty nice.   
      She's also full of jokes and I love it, the whole class loves it. If you look up humor in the dictionary, she would be a synonym.

Right now I was walking outside school with Mark. We were just strolling along by the fence when I heard my name being called.
     I turned around to see Ace sprinting towards not 

       Oh hello there! I was wondering if you guys would like an Ace x reader book. Or would you like a Mark x reader x Ace...? I don't know, whatever makes you happy. Please do me a special favor and comment or message me if you would like an Ace x reader book!

Here's the drawing ya drew in art class

 Here's the drawing ya drew in art class

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