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Kim Eun Ji's POV

I saw them again. Doing sweety stuffs. And wow. Really? Date here in the coffee shop? Are they freaking serious?

They smiled and seems so happy. How can they do this to me?

Yuna is my bestfriend how can she hurt me like this? And Jackson? Really Jackson? Kissing here? Can I slap them? I'm done crying. They're just doing this to annoy me. And congratulations they won.

I freaking annoyed.

How can I date him. He looks like a frog and hands-

No no. Eun Ji.

I shook my head trying to concentrate on the counter.

"Ehem!" A boy with pink haired with masked called my attention but I'm so annoyed. I wanna burn them alive. All of them. Nah just kidding only my ex and my ex bff.


"Mwo!!!!" I shouted at him

"Yah! Why are you shouting. I'm customer ok?" I looked back and realize I shouted at this guy who's wearing a mask.

"Oh. Mianhe Ahjussi.. What's your order?"  I asked him


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