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Jimin's POV

"Dont you dare lay your finger to what is mine" I warned him.

"Mind your business bro" He scoffed

"She's my business.." I said. I held her up and wiped her tears away "She's mine." I smiled at her.

He walked away defeated.

"Gwenchana?" I asked Eun Ji.

She shook her head. She looks so scared and weak. Unlike the Eun Ji that I'm with earlier.

She can barely stood up. I notice bruises on her shoulder. That coward Jackson. Tch.

The door finally opened.

"Eun Ji?!" The girl opened the door. I believe she's Yeri

"Are you yeri?" I asked she nodded and her eyes widened as she recognize mme

"What happened to her?" She hysterically asked

"Long story... Where is her room?" She lead us inside. Eun Ji is damn quiet makes me feel more worried. She silently sob. She might be too shock and scared.

I help her sat on her bed. I asked Yeri for first aid so I can treat her bruises. And scratches.

My blood is boiling. He's such a douche bag. How can he hurt this girl?

She is silently sobbing.

"Does it hurt?" I gently put ointment on her

She nodded.


"Does it hurt?" He gently put ointment on my wound.

I nodded.

It freaking hurts. It burns. My heart burns. How can they do this to me after cheating on me.

How can he hurt me like this.

I can't help my self to cry. I don't care if I look like pathetic in front of Park Jimin

I just pity myself after what happened. I remember that moment when I got home from school and witness my bestfriend and Jackson making out.

How can they do this to me?

I suddenly felt Jimin's chest he held me closer caressing my hair. I cried more on his shoulder.

I never felt so tired.

Jimin's POV

I carefully lay her to bed and cover her blankets. Her eyes are swollen. I can't help myself to be angry.

"Ehem" Yeri enters the room with a cup of tea

"Oh. Thanks" i sip the tea.

"She must be tired. This is the first time I saw her cry after the cheating incident... She's so good keeping it to her self" she put wet towel on Eun Ji's forehead.

After finishing the tea. I bid goodbye to Yeri. I walked home.

I can't help myself but to be worried for Eun Ji. She's so vulnerable. She makes me want to protect her.

It's my first time seeing a girl cry like that. She's too broken.

Thank's for reading guys. Saranghae ~
I know. I know this is bit dramatic.

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