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Eun JI's POV

I look horrible. My eyes are swollen.

"Chingu. I texted boss. You can have day off today" Yeri said

"Did you..."

"Aniya. Of course not.... I didn't tell him exactly what happen. I just told him you're sick..." She hugged me and waved goodbye.

"Kamsa Unnie!!!" I shouted but it's too late. She already run.

I am thinking not going to school today. I just felt tired.

Staring at the ceiling i closed my eyes. I tried to forget what happened last night.

My bruises stings like hell.


Jimin's POV

"HYUNG! what happened to your fist?" Jungkook asked

"Jiminie!!" Jin hyung messed my hair and so ready to scold me.

"Yah! It's strange to see our chimchim being violent" Taehyung chuckled

We settled as the ring bells. I kept staring at her blank seat.

She's not coming huh.

After the history class. Ring bells signs that it is already Lunch break. Of course we sat on our territory table.

I saw Jackson and her girlfriend glaring at me.

"Don't tell me you punch that jerk" suga hyung whispered. He notice the bandage on Jackson's left cheek

"Mwo!!!" Bts said in chorus

I didn't bother to answer them, I grab my phone and started to ring Eun Ji.

No answer.

I typed my text.

Me: Where are you...

EunJi: Home.

Me: Are you feeling better?

EunJi: Mmm

Me: What do you want to eat?

EunJi: Ice cream

I smiled at her reply she really never hesitate to answer when it comes with food.

Me: Araso. Wait for me.

After class. I drove to the nearest ice cream shop. There's a lot of flavor. What could be her choice

I texted her again

Me: What flavor...

EunJi: Strawberry

After buying her ice cream I drove to her apartment.

I dialed her number and waited outside.

"Open the gate" i said

"It's not locked" she hung up.

Like what she said it's really not locked. I enter the apartment and notice that no one is in the living room. I locked the front door. And went straight to the kitchen.

I grab two bowls for ice cream. I thought she might be on her room.

"Eun Ji?" I knock at her door

"Come in" she weakly responded

She smiled as I open the door. She immediately grab the bowl of ice cream and ate.

"Thanks Jimin..." she said

Her eyes are still swollen but she is now smiling.

"Gwenchana?" I asked and scoop my ice cream.

"Mmmm.." she just ate and hummed as response


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