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Jimin's POV

I slid my hands on her waist and guided her to the table. Bts is with us as well.

I met Yuna's parents who seems glaring my hands on Eun Ji's.

"Eun Ji.. I never thought you will end up with this young boy." Yuna's Mom scoffed

Bts seems to be quite and just observing the scene.

Everyone of course is talking about the business, which I don't care. I just keep stealing glances to Eun Ji who seems uncomfortable with her food.

"Is there a problem?" I whispered

She smiled innocently "I can't cut the pork"

I chuckled at her cuteness. I cut the meat on my plate and change our plates, everyone seems to notice what I'm doing. Yuna rolled her eyes off.

I notice Jungkook elbowed Taehyung and both of them smiled.

"You haven't properly introduce her" dad clears throat, all attention are on us. Eun Ji grips my pinky finger indicating she's nervous. I smiled assuring to her.

"This is Eun Ji, She's my girlfriend"


"Very well..." is all dad said. He surprisingly smiled at mom.

"We actually would like to have partnership with Yuna's parents, But promise is promise, unless you are single we won't cross our lines" Mom smiled

"Araso.." That's my I love them.

"I hope we can know each other more Eun Ji" mom continued and smiled at her.

She just bowed nervously which made mom and dad chuckled at her cuteness.

I excused us for a bit. I knew she's having trouble breathing.

I closed the door of my room.

"Waaaaa!" She carelessly rolled on my bed, "i suddenly forgets how to breathe"

Why is she acting so cute? I smirked.

"I knew you would feel uncomfortable down there" i sat beside her patting her hair.

She suddenly sat up,


She blushed while touching her tummy. I smiled and dialed my cooks number

"Please bring some food here.." i stared at her, "my girlfriend is hungry" she looked away

I ended the call, "Let's just eat here so you will be comfortable. Araso?"

She nodded, why is she so pretty and feminine tonight?

My heart is going crazy.

Short update.
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