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We sat down on the table after cleaning everything up, I stare at him while he is removing his Apron that he borrowed from us.

I sighed. It's already 4pm and I wanted to rest.

I keep on staring at him while he is talking to someone over the phone. And he looks mad.

Maybe he notice I am looking at him, He turned off his phone and sat in front of me.

"Are you ok?" I asked worried, He looks so serious.

He hummed while staring at his phone on the table.

"Thanks for helping us today. You gave us alot of headache and Customer" I joked

"Anything for your time" he smiled

I bid goodbye to unnie Yeri "Unnie. I will be with Jimin tonight. We have to do our project. I have keys so don't worry"


"Yah!" I poked him, his phone is none stop ringing but he didn't bother to look at it.

What happen to him?

I check the caller it


Is it? Yuna? My ex bestfriend? Why is she calling Jimin?

Ah. Nah.

There's alot of Yuna in south korea.

But why am I feeling the same pain when I found out that Jackson is cheating on me.

I saw Jimin hands turned into fist.

"Gwenchana?" I softly asked him

He shook his head "i need you"

Wrong Number※ PJM #wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now