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I saw Jackson clenched his fist when I broke the space between Eun Ji and Me. He is clearly jealous. Which made me want to tease him more

I held Eun Ji's waist. Her curves makes me want to held her more.

I smiled when I notice how she reacts on the sudden skinship.

She's too innocent. That's why she's so interesting.

I purposely opened the window so everyone can witness my gestures to Eun Ji. This is kinda win win situation. So girls can avoid me and to tease Jackson.

I stare at my beautiful passenger and notice she is uncomfortable at the sudden attention. I fixed her seatbelt. Why is she closing her eyes. Hahaha. She is really cute

I drove towards the near bookstore.

I opened the door as a gentleman to Eun Ji. She just blushed with my small gestures to her.

"So.. What are we doing here?" She asked.

"I need to buy some supplies for our project" I said.


UGH. Why is everyone staring at us and taking photos. Seriously.

Is this how they felt.

I poked his shoulders. It seems like he don't even give a care to those pretty girls around us.

"Yah! Jimin" i whispered

"Why.. Are you hungry?" He asked softly

"Aniya..." I shook my head.

I catch up with him. He walks faster than me. Talking about my short legs.

I help him choose materials for the project.

He pay for everything using his card. I try to get some paper bags for the materials but he didn't let me to. He just smiled at me then grab my hand his other hand is occupied by the things we brought.

He led the way to fastfood chain.

"What do you want to eat?" He asked

"Umm. I want this and this and this" i pointed at the menu.  He chuckled at me. I don't know why. His laugh is so sexy.

"Why?! I'm hungry" i pouted.

"Nothing.." he ordered everything I pointed. Which made me happy.


I found she is somewhat cute. She is so simple. I found her rare than other girls I dated before who order the least food. But she just ordered a lot. I can't seem to understand how is still manage to be fit with her big appetite.

I just watch her eat happily. And carelessly on how she would look like.

"Eat a lot. We have to do our project later." I said.


I parked my car in front of my house. We take out pizza and soda as she suggested.

"Is this where you live?" She asked in awe.

"Mmm" i hummed as response. I didn't let her carry anything.

"Master Jimin" we are welcome by guards and they helped me brought the supplies inside.

She innocently bow at the guards. I smiled at her innocence "anneyong ahjussi" she greeted they bow at her 90°. I smiled how humble she is

I led her to my room. I asked the maids to fix the pizza we brought.

"Where are your parents?" She asked

"They are residing in busan... my hometown" I answered

She just nod and admire my room. "So you brought a lot of girls here huh"

I choked while eating pizza. "Are you ok?" She laughed.

I cleared my throat "only Bts goes here" i said

"Mkay" she seems to let everything go. "Let's start" she tied her hair up and sat in the floor comfortably.

I shook my head slightly admiring how simple this girl is.

Jackson is such a fool. I thought.


Thanks for reading. I'll update soon

Wrong Number※ PJM #wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now