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Jimin's POV

I drove her home. She is half awake. I can smell her sweet scent with alcohol. She's surprisingly quite which is very unusual for Eun Ji.

I held her shoulder which makes her shock a little. "Hey.. Are you ok?" I asked.

I can see her cheeks turning red which makes her cute.

She just nod in response. Why do I feel that she's awkward towards me? "You sure?" I asked again she hummed in response. I killed the engine and run towards the other door.

She slightly flinch. I know she's trying to hide her dizziness but to tell you honestly she's not good with lying.

"Come on Eun Ji... Let me help you" I offer my hand but she smiled and shooed me off.

"I can manage Park hiccup Jimin" she almost fall on the road. Tch this stubborn girl.

I have no choice but to give her piggyback. "Yah! Hiccup i told you i can hiccup manage" she weakly grab my hair but that didn't stop me.

I chuckle at her cuteness. "Don't you dare puke on me araso?!" I said. I felt her nod and I continue to walk.

"Eun Ji..." i tried to call her attention but no response

"Yahhh!" I wiggle her on my back. Aish is she sleeping?

Where the fudge did she put her key?! Ugh. I'm tired.

I manage to ring the door bell but I think Yeri Noona is already sleeping.

I have no choice but to bring her home.



My head hurts like shit. I cover my self more by the comforter and not planning to wake up. Im freaking thirsty.

I can hear someone is taking shower. I checked my wrist watch 4 am KST.

Why is my blanket smells like Park Jimin?!

I peck a little on the room surroundings. The light is dim and my vision is not that clear but I'm positive that this is not my room. I've been here.

Is this... His room?

P-park J-jimin?!

My clothes. I nervously check what under my blanket.

Oh God. No no no.

Why am I wearing robe? Why... What happened?

The shower room door unlocks revealing Park Jimin on his bath robe and messy wethair look. I gulp down my saliva. I blushed and looked away.

"Park Jimin! Why am I in your room?!" I shouted

He smirked.

What the hell.

Wrong Number※ PJM #wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now