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He shook his head "i need you"

"What do you mean?"

"Yuna.." he facepalmed when he mention his name like it's giving him head ache.

"You mean th girl that is calling you now?" I asked

He nodded

"What about her?" I try to probe more.

"Her parents and my parents wants us to be arrange..." he sighed "but.. they will cut off the contract if I have a girlfriend" he continued

"You mean.. Yuna? My yuna? My ex bestfried?!" Unbelievable "what does she says about this?"

He punch his notes which made me startled "she agreed to it."

"Mwo!!!" My eyes widened "i thought she is ok with Jackson" i'm so confused

"Jackson broke up with her because of you, i feel he wants you back" he stated

We both sighed. This really is a problem


I told her everything.

Yuna is seriously nagging me after Jackson broke up with her.

So I'm planning to ask Eun Ji. I hope she will agree.

She is kinda perfect for the plan.

"So what are you planning to do" she asked

"I'm planning to date you!" I smiled
And as expected she punched me. Her reaction is always priceless.

"Yah! Be serious!" She scolded me

"I'm serious.." i honestly answered her which makes her punch me more "I really am... Let's Um. Pretend for a bit.. Like a 3 months. I just need to tell my parents that I have a girlfriend" her eyes widened

"Are you freaking.. You know I have no time for this kind of dating and stuff and pretending whatever. I have to take care of my scholarship and I have work. Girls on school are planning to bully me because of you... then now you want me to be your fake girlfriend... I know your parents won't buy it. Look at me"

I chuckled at what she said. I know my parents would like her . Just look at her. Smart. Simple. And beautiful.

"That's not a problem"

I dialed my friends number

"Noona.. Are you busy? We are coming, Can you help my girlfriend to have a little make over?"

I smiled while staring at my girl

Wrong Number※ PJM #wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now