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Eun Ji's POV.

I felt a soft-hard pillow on my neck, I sniffed a familiar scent, my eyes widened as I notice that I'm laying on Park Jimin's arm.

He's peacefully sleeping. I checked my clock and it's already 11 am, i removed his other arm on waist.

I tiptoe towards the bathroom and fixed my self up. Still wearing his Tee. I used his slippers.

I went downstairs and notice as usual his maids and butlers. I bowed to them "Goodmorning!" I smiled, they bowed lower than me.

"Goodmoring Miss" they said in chorus

"Omo!" I waved no to them helping them to held their heads up "... Please don't call me miss.. Just call me Eun Ji!" I tried to reached out for their hands but it seems that they're too shy.

"Umm. So what's for breakfast?!"

"Actually miss.. U-umm. Eun Ji" one of them struggle to say my first name but i smiled as she addressed me on my name ".. Master Jimin don't eat usually every morning"

I frowned "Have you guys already eaten?"

They all nodded and bowed, Uhh.. Otoke. But I'm hungry

"Where's the kitchen?"

They all have a shook face.

Uh huh. I'm gonna cook.

1 hour later

"Omo.. Miss is a great cook" Seulgi complimented. Yes i made friends with them, they told me thid names. At last

"I know I know.." i giggled

"Master Jimin is still sleeping" Joy bowed to me, why are they so stubborn, they are my Unnie but they are so polite.

"He slept late, I'm on my night shift guarding the house when I saw him getting a glass of water" Chanyeol his butler added politely.

I remember, He played a song for me to help me sleep. I smiled as I remember.

"What is it miss?" Irene called my attention, they seems to notice that I remember something.

"Aniyaa.. Come let's eat!" I fixed the table, i frowned as i notice they just put two plates.

"We are eating on a different place Miss eun ji" Chanyeol explained.

"Aw.. Is that so.." I felt a little bit sad, the table is too big for two i thought.

"But please eat the food I cooked" I smiled, they all giggled at my request

"Of course!" They all smiled bowing at me.

Jimin's POV

I heard someone is giggling, Is that Eun Ji?! Right I slept with her last night.

half closed eyes, trying to adjust with the sudden light. Ugh. Eun Ji opened the curtains.

I took a quick glance at my open door, did I smell pancakes and coffee?

Still have my bed look, I go downstairs and notice that she's taking with my maids and butler. She's happily laughing with them.

She's was facing behind, all of them recognize that I'm already here except her.

They all bowed to me. I gesture my hand for they to go away, and they followed.

Confused, she looked behind and notice me. I cleared my throat.

"Y-yah. Who cook this?" I act pissed

"Me.. I'm hungry." She smiled, her hair is messy bun, and she's wearing damn apron. And my black tee under. I bit my lips.

She's seriously my dream wife look right now, I walk away, but her small hands grab my ear.

"Where do you think you're going.." she frowned

"Ah! Pabo!!! I'm gonna take a shower, I will drive you home" i tried to change my mind, I just seriously can't think straight seeing her like this.

And I'm really not used to eating in the morning, but those food on the table looks amazing.

"I know you're not used to eating in the morning, but at least have a cup of coffee that i made" she offered, I nodded. How can i say no?

I obediently sat in front of the table, she sat across me.

I grab the serving spoon and get some bacons and eggs she made, which makes her flustered, she bit her lower lips trying to hide her happiness.

"Why are you staring lets eat" i chuckled, she nodded and started to dig in.

I smiled at her awkward reaction. I took a bite which made her stare, expecting that I will compliment he skills, it seriously taste good. I sip at the coffee she made. Surprisingly she knew my taste. It's not too strong and it's sweet.

"So?" She smiled, I admit I'm impressed,

"I thought your only good in eating" i teased her, and her reaction is as usual. She punched me again.


Double Update.
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