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Eun Ji's POV

Why tummy?! Why do you have to be so loud?

I seriously can't eat normally in front of those rich people. They seems to be observing every movement i make.

Knock knock

"I'll get that.. It's our food!" He stood up, right perfect timing.

His maids set up everything on the balcony of his room.

It's actually the food downstairs.

"I asked for chopsticks don't worry" he smiled removing knives and forks on my hand.

"I love you!" I whispered, my eyes widened in realization on what I just said.

"What?!" He smiled

"I M-mean... I love the food!" I awkwardly grab the chopsticks on his hand. His maid closed the door leaving us alone.

I start to dig in. I don't care on how I look like right now.

He seems not eating his food. I check on him and he is smiling while looking at me.

"What!" I annoyingly asked

"You look so beaut-" I stopped his words by giving him a big chunk of meet which shut him off.

"Let's eat! Arasooo?" I smiled, he frowned while chewing the meat. "WAHHH! this is so nice" i admire the view on his balcony. I mean this is so perfect. Delicious food, great view and handsome date.

I mean seriously. He looked so hot with his coat and tie. I suddenly feel the breeze on my naked shoulders.

"You ok?" He stood up removing his coat, then covering it to me. I suddenly blushed. Why is he acting so gentleman all of a sudden?

"H-how about you? Aren't you cold?" I stutter, he sat back and text on his phone, he shook his head and smile "I'm ok.. are you done eating?" He seems to notice my clean plate.

"Uh... yes..." i said, he smiled and guided me downstairs.

"Their party is over. Let's bid goodbye" he intertwined our fingers.

"Oh! Noona!" Jungkook and Jimin faced us, and other members whi are smiling as they notice our hands intertwined.

"You guys heading home?" Jimin asked

"Actually.. We will have sleep over at Taehyung's" Namjoon Oppa said

"We will play cards... wanna join?" Jhope exclaimed , I'm supposed to say yes but Jimin tighten his grip on my hand.

"We actually have something to do..." he said

They all suspiciously stared at him. Me too, I mean, what are we going to do?

"It's not like what you think.... We actually need to finish our project." He explained, why is he blushing?

They all sighed.

He bid goodbye to them.

"Umm. Jimin.. where are your parents?" I asked trying to look around, i notice the absences of everyone.

"Ummm. They have their own house." He simply said.

He guided me to his room. "Heyy. Where do you think your going?" I tried to pull away

"We're going to sleep pabo! It's almost 12 o clock..." he yawned

Oh. He's right. He closed his door and grab something on his closet. He hand me black shirt which i assumed like a dress and pajamas.

"This is the smallest I have. You can take a shower their." He pointed the bathroom door.

"I'll drop you home tomorrow.. I'm just tired, so sleep here for now" he weakly said.

Double update. Leave comments. Sorry for being so boring.

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