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Three Dollar's Store


There she is, heads on the table, covering her face. I opened my umbrella and brought my extra coat.

The girl on the convenient store seems to get that I'm the one she's talking on the phone. She hand me her phone and move away to give us privacy.

I sit silently while caressing her back, i can't help but to get worried. I don't know why she is this afraid of rain.

"Park hiccup Jimin?" She wiped her tears.

"You can never disagree with me driving you home after this Eun Ji" I seriously said, she nodded like a kid.


"Ah!!" She hid her face on my nape, which made me flustered. She's almost kissing my neck. I bite my lip.

She's so cute when she's so vulnerable.

Park Jimin. You supposed to take care of her, not thinking of this stuffs.

I shook my head.

"Why are you afraid of thunders and rain so much?" I whispered, not expecting any answers.

"My parents left me, and the thunder storm is like this when I was little" she sobbed.

"Dad, cheated on mom. And eomma.... hiccup left me too" her tears stained my tee, i wiped her tears by my hand.

"Jackson and Yuna" she paused and looked at my eyes.

Her eyes are deep, her lips are rosy as her cheeks as hot tears drip down on her beautiful face.

On thing I just realize.

She's beautiful even she's crying.

Damn Eun Ji.

I try to focus on her confession more. "I saw them making out on my room, I was so tired that day from work, and I'm soaked with rain. I let Jackson borrow my umbrella so he won't catch cold because the rain is so bad that day."

"As I remove my coat. I surprisingly saw my umbrella on our front door. His and Yuna's shoes are outside... And hiccup i saw them..." she sobbed even harder.

I notice everyone on the convenient store are staring at us. And giving me judging looks.

"Guys this days are making pretty girls cry"


"Tsk tsk"

They all looked disapprovingly. "Aniya.. I didn"t made her cry" i bowed and smiled, they just shook their heads.

"Eun Ji, please don't cry" i pleaded, she's numb with my words and her tears are on going.


"Why are you making her cry?"

"Aniya..." i waved my hand to them.

"Eun Ji, please stop crying, I will buy you an ice cream" i tried but she cried more like a kid.

I have no choice. I grab her hand outside, she weakly followed me.

I manage to brought us to the parking lot, when there is no other people.

"Bwoyaaa!" She complained, We stopped. I looked at her for a second.

Without thinking I kissed her.

She weakly punch me on my chest to push ms away.


He drag me outside the store, which made us half wet of the rain since one umbrella is not enough for us.

He brought me towards the parking lot, I where recognize his car.

Bwoyaaa!" I complained, he let go of my hand staring at me. I stare back at his deep eyes.

He never look at me like this before, he suddenly pinned me to the wall and staring to kiss me.

I felt a little electricity down my spine. He held mt waist closer his,  he dropped the umbrella leaving us bare of the rain.

Not kissing back, I'm frozen and eyes widened.

I pushed him gently but he's getting away my soul with his actions. I felt weaker than ever with his embrace.

Deaf of the thunder my thought are louder, and the storm inside my stomach is stronger.

He bite my lower lip asking me to kiss him back, which I did.

He smirked after getting what he wants.

We both broke the kiss after a minute trying to catch our breath.

"I'll drive you home" he plainly said while intertwining our fingers towards his car.


Double update again. Stay tuned , Comment down aye

 Stay tuned , Comment down aye

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