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So is stopped texting that number. I actually deleted the number. I still can't believe he have read those messages. That is so embarrassing.

I got down from my bike and park it carefully.

I notice girls gathering at the hall as usual. Maybe those kingka's arrived. I've heard of them. But I don't really pay attention.

"Oppa change his hair color to pink. He's damn handsome" girl squealed

I smiled as I remember Jimin. Guys seriously coloring their hairs with pink. Unlike others it suits him.

"Oppaaaa!!" They said in chorus

Aigoo. Girls are so noisy. Like me.  Hehehe. But I'm so done with this guys. So i don't even glace at them.

I avoid the crowd and went straight to my room.

Who will be my classmates. I hope Yuna and Jackson is 3 floors away from me. Huhuhu. My eyes are hurt when seeing them.


I quitely sat on my desk and sleep. Since other students are welcoming those kingkas room is still quiet and perfect spot to sleep. I kinda saw them last year.

But I can't remember their names.

Bell rings which woke me up. I notice that room is now filed with students.

I fixed my things and didn't pay attention to the girls squeals and giggles.

How can they have times to guys right now? I just want to freaking sleep. For pete's sake I'm from work. Huhuhu.

I took a glace where they are screaming and notice 6 guys entering the room.



They are all handsome. They have different features but they are all handsome in different ways.

"Kim namjoon!!"

"Kim seokjin"

"Jung Hoseok!!!"

"Min yoongi!"

"Kim Taehyung!!"

"Jeon Jungkook Oppa!!"

Wow these girls are so good. They have memorize their names with rrhyme hehehe deabak.

I get back to my things but-

"Park Jimin Oppa!!!!!!" They all squealed

I looked at the entrance where they are calling that name. Could it be?

Is it why he is so familiar?

He entered the room and smiled at the other members.

I remember now. Their group name.


and Jimin is one of them? That pink haired guy?

He looked around and then our eyes met. He smirked.

P-park Jimin?

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Wrong Number※ PJM #wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now