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Eun Ji's POV

"This is my girlfriend... Eun Ji" i awkwardly trying to remove his arm surrounding my shoulder

"When did you get such a beautiful girl huh?" His gay friend smirked at him

"I'm Bambam.." he hugged me. Wow. He did smell good and he looks so handsome , can handsome people stop being younger than me or non existent or gay. Ugh. He looks interested with this Jimin jerk.

"I will be leaving her to you now. I trust you" wait what? He is leaving me!

"Yah! Where are you going" i elbowed him

"Going to buy you some clothes around... just follow him" he waver goodbye.

1 hour later.

I stare myself in the mirror. Is this really... Me?

I'm still wearing my uniform, my eyebrows are neatly fixed, he curled the end of my hair, colored my hair brown. He put a little make up as well.

I never knew brown hair would suit me.


I chose some classic dress for her. Beige, pink white and black. I can't help but to smile imaging her with these clothes.

I knew bambam. He knows how to make Eun Ji a fine lady. She's beautiful but she's good with hiding it. She herself doesn't know.

I got a text from bambam that he is finished. I smiled with his text.

She looks amazing

I can't wait to her.

Third Person's POV

As Jimin's enter the parlor, he saw a brown haired girl's back wearing her uniform.

He greeted Bambam.

"I did my best, she's not hard to work on... She's already pretty..."

Of course. He thought

As their eyes meet. Jimin can't help himself to admire Eun Ji, she didn't change a lot, but he admitted to himself that her new looks suits her a lot.

On the other hand. Eun Ji felt a little confident with her new look and half afraid of what Jimin will say.

"So?" She asked, expecting that Jimin will compliment her.

He smirked "You looked Beau- i mean... You look ok.. You're Ok.."

You're more than ok... You're beautiful Eun Ji *He thought


Sorry for boring update. I'm just broke with the new album teaser. Huhuhu

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