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Today is very unusual day of work, Why?

"Eun Ji!" I was been called by Unnie Yeri. Beads of sweats are in our forehead. Kingka, and BTS member Park Jimin is in the coffee shop. What do you expect?

Of course. A lot of fangirls are here to stalk him.

"Ne unnie?" I bowed to her and grab the tray of cakes, I serve it to the girls who are not paying attention to me but to him.

He just sit there and staring at me. I passed through him but he grab my arm. I gave him death glares.

"Yah!" I tried to shrugged him but his grip is too strong. "Are going to order or what. Can't you see we are busy. Thanks to you!" I annoyingly said.

"Who is that girl?"

"Why is she shouting to oppa?!"

"She's blocking the camera"

"Aish I hate her!"

"Yah! Unnie.. can you move a bit we cannot see Park Jimin Oppa"

I rolled my eye and stare at him, he is smirking. "Is this how you treat your customer Eun Ji?" He said

I scoffed "Ya-"

I notice Yeri unnie giving me glares to be nice. I sighed and calm my self down.

"What is you order" I faked smiled

"You." He smiled

"Yah!" I punched him

I heard girls gasped. Ugh. Why are they so annoying and this man. He chuckled at my annoyed reaction which makes me pissed off.

"Please Park Jimin Ahjussi... I just need to get your order" I begged which makes him giggled

Ughhhh!!!! I am seriously cursing him on my head

"Your time." He stared seriously

"What are you talking about?! I am woeking can't you see and we have alot of customers." I honestly stated

"Then let me help you so we can talk soon" he stood up, I watched him talking to Unnie Yeri, He was handed by apron, and paper to write down our customers oorder

"What are you doing?!" I run to him

"Helping you.. So I can talk to you" he smiled and passes me.

I just stare at him talking to his fangirls that are now customers. Seriously they are hyperventilating.

"Unnie!!!" I protest you Unnie Yeri

"Shh. We need help. Let him help us" she stated and started to get customers order

Wrong Number※ PJM #wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now