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I took a glance to Jimin. He wears cute spectacles. He looks so serious and focus solving the equations.

I never knew he is into studying too. I thought he is just enjoying being rich and handsome. He is somewhat different.

"I know I'm handsome" he smirked.

"Dream on" i get back with my business. I started to draw on my paper using ruler. Carefully and neatly.

After hours of being quite. We are too focus with our own assigned task. Not talking to each other.

I found one equations really hard. Ugh. I hesitate to ask him but.. "Um. Jimin... Can you help me with this" I asked

He approach me and look on to my paper. He smiled. I suddenly felt his hand on my hand that is holding the pencil "You should start with his part first then... this one ..... the result should be add to this ....." He explained.

"Thanks...." I mumble.

I never knew his is this smart.

I notice that it is already 8pm.  I already receive text from my room mate. Yeri. She might be worried.

"Um. Jimin.. I need to go home My room mate is worried" i said he just nodded and removed his glasses.

I neatly fixed my things stood up.

"I'll drive you home" he suggested.

"Aniya... I live nearby..." i ssaid

"You sure?" He asked.

"Yup"  i assured him.


I Followed her of course. I knew she wouldn't let me drive her.

I don't know. I felt just worried for her again.

She is almost running. I knew she is scared of dark.

She told me that before on her texts.

I still followed her.

Just to make sure she will be home safely.


Great. Why did I refused him to walk me home.

I freaking scared and cold right now. I don't know that going home late could this be creepy.

I finally arrive at our apartment. Yeri must be worried she's my work mate at the Coffee shop.

A sudden hand stopped my for unlocking the door. "Eun Ji"  a low voice called me.

"J-jackson? What the hell?" He looks so wasted. I can smell alcohol on his breath.

"Please I'm sorry.. Let's talk" He is crying.

"Yah! Let go.... You're drunk" I said

"No.. I want us back.. I'm sorry." He pleaded.

He held my arm tighter which made me flinch. "You're hurting me." I closed my eyes. He leans forward and forces to kiss my neck

I can't help but to cry.

Someone help.

The kiss never landed my neck and felt a weigh get off me. I opened my eyes and saw jackson on the floor.

He held his bleeding lips.

"J-jimin?" I felt weak and my knees gave up, made me sat on the floor.

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