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Of course, he insist to drive me home.

I just don't want to get used to his sweetness, I told him I'm going to take cab but I went straight to Coffee shop so I can get my bike.

I drive my bike and felt to stroll a bit. I tied my hair, still wearing his tee and sweatpants.

It's almost 2 pm. I have to get home, the cloud is turning darker, it might rain again.

I stopped at the nearest convenient store, brought ramyeon. Hehehe. It's cold weather so kimchi and Ramen is a must.

Everyone is staring at me. Why? This never happen before. Do I have something on my face?

Hmm nevermind. I started to dig in.

"Wahhh!" I rubbed my tummy, this is so perfect, I always appreciate how perfect the moment when I'm alone.

No Park Jimin, No Jackson, No bts. Careless with my looks and my movement.

"Omo! It's raining...." the guys on my side said, they opened their umbrellas. And started to go out of the store.


I accidentally dropped my chopsticks, startled with the the thunder i covered my ears.

"Are you ok Unnie?" The girl on the counter approach me, I shook my head, tears dropping on my face. "They said that there is a thunderstorm for a week" she caressed my hair.

"Eomma..." i cried.


"Eun Ji, Me and Appa will divorce" mom cried.

"No!" I tantrums, and hugged her.

"It's either you come with Eomma or Appa." She explained to a 10 yr old me.

The thunder is audible in the mansion. "You're Appa has another family..." she cried.

Dad went straight to door with his bags of clothes. It hurts. My heart pains me like hell. Tears are nonestop.

He is with another woman. Her waist is being held by my dad. I can't understand why.

The light goes off after the loud thunder, still my mom's cries are louder.

"Appa!" I run to him and hugged his thighs ".. Please don't do this."

He hugged and wiped my tears away, kissing my forehead. "I'm sorry..." he opened his umbrella covering her woman and him from the raging storm.

Without hesitation i ran to the rain. "Jebaal!" I cried. I tripped and makes me more wet of the rain. Tears and raindrops are mixed on my hot cheek.

"Eun Ji!" Mom shouted.

He never looked back. He opened the car for his woman. And the car left me. Toes bleeding. Heart's hurting.

After a week. Eomma left me to aunt. She sold our mansion. She left to sweden, promising she will be back.

"I need to work Eun Ji" she kissed me goodbye

"No! Please don't you two leave me alone" my cries are wweaker she just shook her her.

"I'm sorry"

END of Flashback

Third person's POV

Eun Ji covers her ears, hiding her face to the transparent glass wall of the convenient store revealing the raging storm and the reflection of thunders.

Her phone is bombard by Jimin's missed calls, he knew Eun ji is stubborn and still not home.

He drove as fast as he can to her Apartment, hoping she will answer he dialed her number once more.

Eun Ji is deaf of her phone ringtone. "Unnie your phone keeps on ringing" the girl on her side answered her phone

"Eun ji. WHERE THE HE-" his eyes widened as the phone been answered .


He recognized immediately that it's not her. "Where is she?"

"Ahjussi.. You're girlfriend is here at 3 dollar's convenient store, she's crying for too long" she looked worried at Eun Ji

He cursed. He turning his wheel, went straight to the store.

Heyyyy! You're amazing!

----------------------Heyyyy! You're amazing!

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