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"Where do you think your going?" Jimin asked.

"Outside" i simply answered him while I'm drying my hair.

"I mean where outside" he annoyingly asked

"Soju...." i said

"No." He grab my hand stopping me to step outside my room

"Why? I want to" i stubbornly said

"Aish.. this girl!!" He messed his hair and grab me outside.

What's with this guy? I thought

He drove and I notice we stopped a the bar.

Dope Bar

This is my first time being in this kind of place. I mean I wanted to get wasted tonight but I was just thinking drinking soju on streets.

This seems to be for rich teenagers.

Everyone is staring at us as we enter the bar. He still have my hand.

The music is too loud and party lights are everywhere. The place is unexpectedly making me feel excited.

"What?!" I cut his stare, he just smiled. I can sense that everyone is staring at our table.

He asked the waiter for drinks that i don't what. I hope he orders chicken hehehehe.

"You drink with me ok?" He said, I nodded as response.

I felt a bit awkward since I'm just wearing denim shorts and black v neck tee matching with my black converse. Everyone is wearing such revealing party clothes.

"Don"t worry to much..." he patted my head

Why is he so nice to me.

At last. Our order came. I notice cocktails and beer in front of me. And chicken.

"I knew you want chicken" He chuckled at my reaction

"Heheheh. Well. You knew me very well"

We started to dig in. I carelessly drink everything that is in front of me.

I just felt empty. And I wanted to feel something.

I felt a little tipsy but I don't mind. I just enjoyed how the beat makes me forget what happened. Alcohol makes my heart numb a bit.

I felt my hot tears dripping down my cheeks. Good thing the lights are dim.

I just drunk the 4 bottle of beer. And ate a alot of chicken.

Jimin's POV

I brought her with me. If she wanted to get wasted I wanted to make sure she will be safe.

I just watched her drink everything. I know she will be knocked out very soon the way she drinks.

She might not know but I notice her teary eye.

Everytime I saw her crying I really wanted to punch that Jackson.

"He cheated on me hiccup" she said

"I know..." I drink my beer. I'm little cautious because I have to drive her home.

"Tell me...hiccup... Am I that ugly?" She asked
I shook my head

"No you're not.." I tucked her hair on her ears. She stare at me and I unconsciously bit my lips.

I remember kissing her on our first meeting because she's too noisy.

The music turns to a slow romantic mood. I stood up and I gentlemanly asked her for dance.

She hesitate at first but she finally took my offer. I carefully help her stood up. She is really not good at hiding that she is already tipsy.

I held her waist. I felt that she flinch at the sudden skinship.

Wrong Number※ PJM #wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now