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"What do you think?" beside me and his next action made my eyes widened he suddenly lean forward like he is going to kiss me.

I can see he gulp down when he stare at my lips.

"Yah!" I pushed him away.

Wtf is wrong with him?! My face is freaking blushing

"Ouch!" He complain with my punch.

I try to remember what happen. Did we really?

But why did I didn't felt sore on my lower part? I mean... Is his member small like his hand.

Oh God.

Eun Ji?! Srsly? What Am I thinking?!

"But... I-i don't feel anything" I whispered and looked away

"What?!" He chuckled.

"Nevermind" I scoffed "Where are my clothes?!" I angrily stood up

"I'm just kidding.. I didn't anything.. you just puke on me so I asked my maid to remove your clothes. It's on the laundry" He assured me.

I sighed in relief "i thought yours is too... small" i can't help but to tease him too. Well he started

"Yah!!!" He was provoked by what I just said.

"Nothing" I teasingly sang

He stood up and grab some clothes on his closet

"Wear this..."

He walked out the room.

What happen to him? Is he angry with my joke?!

But I'm just kidding. I can't help but to smile with his reaction. He seriously slammed the door.

After changing to his clothes. I can't help but to blush smelling his minty perfume on his tee.

It smells so manly.

I bit my lips as I remember how close we are last night. He held my waist and his gaze is so sexy.

What Am I thinking?! I messed my hair and decided to stop staring myself in the mirror.

It's already 6am. I get out on his room.

"Hello?" I randomly call Jimin. I notice that there is some maids that is bowing on me. I bowed to them as greetings

"Excuse me.. But may I asked where Jimin is?" I asked.

Why are they not talking? They bowed as a sign of apology.

Are they human or what? Why are they wearing coats and dress?

Is this how rich people live?

My heart follow the smell of food. I know those are pancakes.


My butterflies are turning into dinosaur when I'm hungry.

"Oh! Eun Ji... Sat down on the table. Let's eat breakfast... We have to go to school today" Jimin greets me.

Why is he wearing apron? And his long sleeves are up... Why... Why am I noticing this?

I shook my head avoiding to be distracted by this beautiful chef.

"Does your head still ache?" He frowned while he is putting pancakes on my plate.

I hummed in response. "Take this after earing your breakfast it'll help" he smiled and hand me a small pill.

We ate quietly.

After finish our breakfast I followed what he said to drink my medicine.

"I'll drive you home so you can prepare for school" he offered

"Aniyo.. I'll just take a cab." I refused

"You sure?" He asked

"Yup... Thanks for the breakfast.... Umm.. See you later?" I waved goodbye

Wrong Number※ PJM #wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now