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"what the heck?" Did my customer just grab me and asked my manager to look onto the counter? He is seriously dragging me "yah!!! What's your problem" he looked mad and still not answering me. I notice people on the Coffee shop is staring at us. And of course the couple. My ex and ex bff.

We stopped after Jackson touch this strangers shoulder. I can smell trouble. But what the heck. Why does he care so suddenly?

Pink haired guy smirked provoking Jackson. He shrugged his hand off his shoulder and tighten his hold on my hand

I stare both of them and notice this pink haired guy is Hot. I mean. Handsome he looked so serious gazing and teasing Jackson that is not stepping away.

"Who are you? And why are you dragging her?" Jackson shouted which made everyone on the coffee shop stare at the scene. I looked at my ex bff who looks so unhappy with the scene.

"And who are you to stop us?" Pink haired guy scoffed

"I-i'm... Umm." He caught off guard and stuttered

The pink haired guy smiled then stare at me. Jackson move away and I found myself being drag to park.

"Yahhhhh!!! Will you stop? I will call the police!!! Help!!! Help!!! Hel-" A sudden lips crashes on my lips made my eyes widened and my world stop. I pushed him away.

"What do you think your doing buyante!" I punch him. He smirked. He sat down one of the benches.

He is totally handsome to be this jerk. I can't help to admire his face but that cannot stop me from being angry. He stole a kiss. I back face him and walked away.

Why does he looks so familiar? Is he an idol or something? Or a school mate?

"Eun ji"

I faced him. How does he know my name. He then throw his phone to me. Good thing I catch it.

"What the heck..." i asked. He looks so lazy and having his eyes closed

"Read... You're disturbing my nap...."

What does he mean? I check his phone.

I almost dropped his phone after seeing my messages thread on his inbox.

"You see? You are very loud with thoughts" he opened his eyes and stared at me.

"I thought no one..." he cut me off and continue my sentence

"No one is reading it?" He laughed

I suddenly felt sorry by disturbing him and a bit ashamed. I cursed a lot and texted a lot of my dramas about what happen to my lovely lovelife.

"joesonghabnida ahjussi" i bowed to him and return his phone.

He smiled and nodded.

He looked cute when smiling. But the heck he really looked familiar.

"Jimin.. Park Jimin..." he reached out for my hand and i reached out as well for shake hands.

How such a manly person got a small hands? I thought


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