GZfell Sans X GZfell Papyrus

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     Sans' boss was relentless. He was pounding fiercely at the cave door. Then the door broke. Papyrus shoved the remaining pieces of the door aside and angrily stomped his way inside. Sans was watching in awe of his brother's strength, and terrified for his life, he didn't want to turn into dust just yet. But it was too late, Papyrus saw his brother because of his glowing determination marks being bright red, he glowed his own to a warm orange to intimidate Sans.
"Papyrus! I'm so glad to see you!" Sans stated excitedly.
"Shut up!" Papyrus screamed, digging his claws into Sans' cheek, wanting to draw blood, satisfied to see that it worked. "I'm not glad to see you!"
He then forcefully dropped sans skull first onto the ground, happy to hear a resounding CRRRAACK! throughout the cave. Sans then made his eye flare a bright orange-red. And tried to summon a bone attack, but Papyrus noticed and dug the heel of his heavy boot into Sans' eye, also happy to hear Sans' gruff voice scream desperately in pain. "KEEP SCREAMING YOU PARASITE!" Papyrus demanded. Keeping his claws out. Sans pushed Papyrus' boot out of his face, stood up and tightly hugged Papyrus around the waist. Papyrus grunted angrily and tried to push Sans away to no avail. Then Papyrus summoned a bone attack and shot a bone through Sans' left eye, the long pointed bone sticking comically out of his eye. Sans screamed in pain again, but kept a firm hold on Papyrus,
"Papyrus, I love you!" Sans muttered.
"WHAT WAS THAT?" Papyrus screeched.
"I SAID, I LOVE YOU!" Sans repeated louder.
"YOU ARE JUST PATHETIC!" Papyrus responded, though he felt a strange tingly feeling in response to what his brother said. Papyrus summoned another bone attack and shot it through Sans' other eye. Thinking Sans' 'makeover' looked hilarious. Sans felt himself melting, he was feeling too much determination to show his brother love. His determination marks shining and burning brighter than ever. K-keep it together! He thought to himself, hoping it was enough for Papyrus. "WHY AREN'T YOU SCREAMING AND BEGGING?!" Papyrus demanded. "AND SINCE WHEN DO YOU CALL ME 'PAPYRUS'? YOU CALL ME BOSS!" He screamed again.
"I... love you boss!" Sans responded. Hoping to make Papyrus happy.
"STOP SAYING THAT WORD!" Papyrus demanded. "THAT HIDEOUS WORD!" Papyrus screamed, tears threatening to spill out of his eyes, but he was fighting them back.
"Boss... are you crying?" Sans asked.
"NO YOU INFERNAL MONSTER!" Papyrus screamed in response. Summoning one more bone attack, he crashed the bone down over his right knee, satisfied too see that resulted in two smaller bones with very sharp pointed ends, he then quickly crossed his arms over Sans' neck and kept slashing them one by one. Hacking at the bone. Sans felt himself get light headed and dizzy, too weak to fight back for himself. His hearing faltering along with his 'breathing' and his sight. Papyrus then one more time, roughly hacked both of the bones at Sans neck, the points meeting in the middle as Sans head came clean off his neck. Sans felt... quiet... calm... peace... it's quiet... calm... don't fight it. He thought to himself before he blacked out forever. Forever silenced. His eyes blackened, never to glow again, his determination marks glowing weakly... then... no glow. No glow ever again. His mouth rested at a calm grimace, never to smile, laugh, frown or grin again. His last breath spoke Papyrus' name, his last breath long gone to the wind drafting through the cave. His voice never to speak or laugh again. Papyrus felt tears brimming his eyes, he let them fall. He had no idea how to feel about what just happened, at that moment in time, he became brotherless, no family left, no one that shares blood with him anymore. Except for W.D. Gaster, but he's another story. Papyrus kept holding Sans' head, and he ran to his house. "I love you too, Sans." He said as he lit a candle, placed it on his bedside table, and placed Sans' hollow head over it, like a Jack-o-lantern. He loved his new night light.

MWAHAHAHAH! HERE, FREE FEELS! *tosses confetti* I DIDN'T SAY MY ONE-SHOTS HAD TO END HAPPY HAHAHAH! HOW DO YOU LIKE DEM APPLES! But on a lighter note I have a lot more One-Shots for you guys, if you stick around, 'cause I'm pretty sure you all hate me for this one xD but if 'yall can convince me, I might make a lighter one that ends happy xD (tbh I kinda shed a few tears when I was writing this) and legit the song I played on repeat while writing this was "Circus" by Britney Spears.

Fontcest, Sanscest, and Papcest Fluff (All AUs) #FreeTheLGBTWhere stories live. Discover now