Undertale Papyrus X Horrortale Papyrus

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Another one for Duckystix! Enjoy! In this one, Undertale Papyrus is going to be called Paps, and Horrortale Papyrus is going to be called Horror.

      "H-hello!? Is anyone there?" Paps asked nervously, Undertale Papyrus was originally travelling with Error Papyrus, Error Papyrus was taking Paps (with Undertale Sans' permission, of course.) Through different AUs, so he could meet other versions of himself and to see what everything is like. But somehow Error Papyrus and Paps got seperated in the portals. Paps chose a random portal, hoping it was going to teleport him to Outertale where Error Papyrus was. But he went through the wrong one and ended up in Horrortale. The terrified skeleton looked around him, he saw blood stains everywhere, a dead froggit (that somehow didn't turn into dust? That's what Paps was thinking) the only friendly thing he saw was a snow dog, someone build a dog out of snow, he walked up to it, and somehow with it being made of snow, the look on it's face showed nothing but agony, like just being in existence in this horrid universe was paining it immensely. Paps reached out a gloved hand to pet the dog made out of snow, but then the neck cracked and fell onto the ground, Paps looked down at the head in confusion, looked up where it's head used to be and he saw... a bone? Sticking out of where it's head was supposed to be. Paps screamed very loudly, forgetting that someone dangerous could have heard him.
"Having any trouble, new buddy?" A voice announced behind him, Paps turned around and saw a Papyrus? He knew that the monster was a skeleton, and a Papyrus, but he looked different, the other Papyrus had very snaggly blood stained teeth and very small eyesockets, different from Paps' bigger eyes and perfect white teeth. The only similarities were that both of them were the same height, age, and had the same battle body, scarf, boots and gloves.
"AGH! Don't hurt me or I'll... I'll be forced to... to... AAAAAGGHH!" Paps screamed and ran the opposite way from Horror, he felt like he was running forever, his ribs ached and he was pumping his legs as fast as he could, then he found a good sized tree and climbed up the branches until he found one that would safely hold his weight, he sat and hid, not daring to make a sound. He then heard a strange buzzing sound, he had no idea what it was, until he saw a bright flash of blue, and felt his branch Crack beneath him and he was tumbling all the way down the tree breaking through other thinner branches then he hit the cold hard ground.
"Fuhuhuhu! What's this?" He heard a familiar and safe sounding voice, he turned toward the voice and saw what looked like Undyne. But she was all bloody. And she had a murderous glint in her eyes. "You're not Papyrus!" She yelled, "who are you and why are you here?" She demanded. Empasizing her point by summoning another spear and pointing it at Paps, he was speachless.
Where am I? He thought to himself, just wanting to be back with Error Papyrus or his own brother. Maybe by now, Error-Me has called Sans, and maybe the Error-Sans and they're coming to rescue me right now! Papyrus hoped. He looked up at the scary Undyne and saw her swing her spear down, aiming for the top of his skull. He pinched his eyes shut and braced for the impact, but it didn't come. He looked up once more, and saw the scary version of himself standing in front of him, surrounding the both of them in a bone shield.
"My Queen! Please! Don't hurt him!" Horror screamed loudly, but the Queen wouldn't listen, she started hacking and slashing at the bones in her way, she wasn't just fighting to win, she was out to kill, to dust anyone she could find. "Queen Undyne, please! We can work this out!" Horror screamed again. Hoping to get through to the crazy fish lady. But she would have none of it.
"Papyrus! Leave now, and I may spare you after I kill this pathetic bone bag!"
"Never!" Another voice screamed, Paps looked toward the other voice and saw a scary version of his brother, Sans. "Undyne! You Rude-ass! Stop this right now!" Sans commanded, clearly not afraid of Undyne. She showed no sign of backing down, so he summoned a multitude of Gaster Blasters, and a sweeping bone attack. Horror joined his brother and summoned his own bone attacks, and behind them, his "special attack" the blue bones. Paps, knowing that this was his time to run, stood up and ran, hoping that this Snowdin's layout is the same as his own. He ran to what he hoped was his counterpart's house and kicked the door open and ran to his counterpart's bed room. He then heard a very big explosion. Not wanting to know what it was he hid inside his counterpart's closet. Moments later he heard the front door slam open, footsteps walking up the stairs, someone opening the bedroom door and then opening the closet door.
"Please! Don't hurt me! I'm sorry!" Paps screamed, hoping for mery. Then he felt someone grab him, and pull him out of the closet and pull him into a hug.
"It's okay, my counterpart, you're safe now." Horror comforted. He then let go of his terrified counterpart and guided him to sit on the bed. Paps let him. And then he looked at his scary counterpart. Horror was sitting next to Paps and rubbing the back of his skull.  "I won't hurt you, I promise." Horror told Paps. Paps felt tears threatening to spill out of his eyes, and he let them, he just wanted to get back to Undertale and snuggle up with Sans, hang out with Undyne, and watch Mettaton on TV, and eat some pie, that is if Toriel made any, of course. "Hey! Everything will be okay! Because I! The Great Papyrus will protect you until you find your way home!" Horror exclaimed happily.
"Y-you will?" Paps asked, feeling slightly happier.
"Of course I will!" Horror answered.
Then Paps layed down on Horror's surprisingly soft bed, Horror, thinking that Paps wanted to sleep and be left alone, stood up and went to walk out of his room to see what his brother was doing.
"W-wait!" Paps yelled, grabbing Horror's arm, "Please don't leave me!"
"Okay! I, The Great Papyrus will stay her with you, the Great Papyrus!" Horror promised, then he laid down next to Paps, and not long after, both skeletons fell asleep, softly snoring and souls pulsing peacefully.

Fontcest, Sanscest, and Papcest Fluff (All AUs) #FreeTheLGBTWhere stories live. Discover now