Yandere!Dom!Red X Sub!Classic

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     Hoo boy... let's get started... this will be kinda lemony, but remember that I'm not good at writing boy X boy lemon. But I ace at writing girl X girl xD also please don't play the video above until I say to in paranthesis in the story.

     Underfell Sans couldn't stand being used by his brother, The Great and Terrible Papyrus. Red wanted to be in charge for once, he had enough. He made a checklist of the ones he wanted to "play with" and Undertale Sans was number one.
"It's time to play." He muttered while fiddling with his golden capped tooth with his bright red ecto tongue. He wanted to make a good impression to his original counterpart. He changed out of his white tank top he wore to bed, and changed into his usual scarlet sweater, and he grabbed his jacket down from the hook on the inside of his bedroom door. Red made sure to fluff up the brown hood attached to his jacket, and he slid on his slippers and straightened his basketball shorts. He was ready for the day.
"SANS!" he heard his brother yell. "COME DOWN HERE, YOU PIECE OF GARBAGE." Papyrus probably wanted to add another crack to Red's skull, or tease him about his height and about how lazy he was, or how horrible of a brother he was.
"Comin', Boss." Sans yelled back as he teleported downstairs to the living room. "What do yo- OW WHAT THE F-" Sans exclaimed as Papyrus forcibly slapped him across the cheek with a resounding CRACK! "What was that for?" Sans asked, flaring his eye to a bright red.
"YOU FORGOT TO CLEAN UP THE KITCHEN!" Papyrus answered before he extended his arm to give Red another slap across the face.
"Oh no you don't" Red growled before he caught Papyrus' arm and clicked it out of the joint at the elbow.
"SHUT UP!" another click. Sans was taking Papyrus apart, piece by piece, quite literally. Red then roundhouse kicked Papyrus at the knees and the taller skeleton crashed to the floor.
"SANS, PLEASE... STOP..." Papyrus pleaded with his older brother. "I'M SORRY!"
"No, you're not. If you were sorry, you would have stopped beating me long ago." Sans growled, his voice emitting a strange echoing effect.
"I LOV-" CRAAAACK! Papyrus couldn't finish his sentence as the shorter skeleton stomped hard on his head, which immediately dissolved into dust, then the rest of his body soon followed, leaving nothing but his boots, his gloves, his pants, his battle body, and his scarf, which were all dusty. Red teleported to Alphys' lab with no look back at his brother's dusting place. Once he saw the lizard monster, he growled to her.
"You better lead me to your fancy little AU teleporter, or I'll dust your pretty face and leave whatever's left at your girlfriend's doorstep, yeah don't think I don't know about you and Undyne." That did it, when Alphys heard Undyne's name, she didn't want anything bad happen to her girlfriend so she immediately led Sans to her teleporter and left him alone. Red took one last glance around his Underfell surroundings, typed the name of the AU he wanted to go to and he was gone.


     Sans was hanging out in the kitchen cooking spaghetti with his little brother Papyrus, the taller skeleton replaced his red scarf with an apron. And Sans was wearing a chef's hat on his skull. The classic skeleton brothers heard a knock on their door. "I'LL GET IT." Papyrus informed as he bounded out of the kitchen. "WHO GOES THERE?" he greeted. The visitor was another certain smaller skeleton, "HOW CAN I HELP YOU?" Papyrus asked the 'clone' of his brother.
"You can help me by dying." Red spoke as he summoned a Gaster Blaster above his head, "Right now."
Red spread his arms wider as the Gaster Blaster grew in size. "I call him Renegade, don't make him angry!" Red teased. Renegade opened his jaws and a bright red ball of plasmic energy was growing at the back of his skull.
"SANS! HELP!" Papyrus screamed.
"You just made him angry..." Red stated as Renegade spat the plasma ball at Classic Papyrus.
"What's all the racket?" Classic Sans slammed the door shut as he saw a pile of dust in the snow, and nothing was left of Papyrus' outfit, everything he was wearing got incinerated in Renegade's blast.
"Who the hell are you?! And why did you do that to my only brother!" Sans shouted at Red.
"So I'm not alone, I killed my brother, and it's not fair that you still have your brother so I killed him as well."
"You freakin' monster!" Sans yelled as Megalovania played in the distance.
"Awe, your theme is adorable, wanna hear mine?" (PLAY VIDEO) Red teased as Theovania played as well, Sans' Megalovania was overpowered by Red's Theovania.
"What do you want from me?" Sans asked his edgy counterpart.
"You." Red spat. "I have always wanted you."
"Listen, buddy, I'm not homophobic, my brother's best friend is a lesbian, but I ain't gay, I'm sorry." Sans solemnly apologized.
"That's not good enough." The other short skeleton muttered darkly. "I have you where I want you. Now be a good little pet and obey me." Red suddenly grabbed Classic by the arm of his blue jacket and teleported him inside. "Show me where your bedroom is." Red commanded. Classic obediently, but reluctantly obeyed, and led his Felled counterpart up the stairs and to the farthest room. "Ah, I thought yours would be in the same place in our house that my room was in my old house.
"What do you want?" Classic squeaked. His voice rising about three octaves. And his eye flared a bright blue.
"Put that eye out, now, or else." Red threatened while flaring his own eye a bright red. Classic immediately shut his eye and extinguished the blue flame and then opened his eye again.
(STOP VIDEO) Red opened the bedroom door and shoved the other skeleton inside, then he pushed Classic on the mattress sitting on the floor and pulled Classic's jacket off, and then pulled Classic's white t-shirt over his head, leaving his ribs exposed. Red ran his fingers up and down Classic's ribs, and then he slid off his own jacket and removed his own sweater. Exposing his ribs as well. "Let's have some fun, Classic" Red growled harshly where Sans' ears would be if he had skin.
This is it, this is how I lose my pride, my confidence... maybe my life... or afterlife? Whatever. I know what I mean... I will be dusted here... or kept a prisoner for this crazy version of me.

Fontcest, Sanscest, and Papcest Fluff (All AUs) #FreeTheLGBTWhere stories live. Discover now